RES 86-03 PERSONNEL MANUALRPB:jt 10/21/85 RESOLUTION NO. 86-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, REVISING THE CITY'S PERSONNEL MANUAL TO PROVIDE FOR PRETERMINATION AND DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS AND TO PROVIDE THAT DEPARTMENT HEADS NOT COVERED BY CIVIL SERVICE SHALL SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE MAYOR. WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 84-12 , passed by the City Council on May 17, 198~, the City Council adopted a personnel manual for the City, and WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has required a change in the City's Personnel policies and practices to provide for pretermination disciplinary hearings for employees who may be terminated for cause, and WHEREAS, the Winslow City Council finds that the Department Heads, unless covered by civil service, shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and that this policy should be reflected in the City's Personnel Manual, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Those portions of the Personnel Manual contained in Sections 5 and 5 are hereby amended to read as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The City Clerk is dlrected to make the appropriate changes in the Personnel Manual as set forth. APPROVED: MAYOR , ALICE" TAWRESEY ..y ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: C~T~y/~ON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: October 30, 1985 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: January 2, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. 86-03 EXHIBIT "A" FOR RESOLUTION NO. 86-03 RPB:jt 10/14/85 pRETERMINATION AND DISCIPLINARY HEARINGS [Insert at p. 14 below Civil Service section] A pretermination or disciplinary hearing shall be conducted in the following manner before an employee is terminated for cause or before a disciplinary action is taken which results in a decrease or loss of pay and/or benefits: 1. Hearing. a. The Department Head shall meet with the employee and conduct the pretermination hearing. b. The employee shall be informed of all reasons for the proposed action. c- The City shall not be required to present any evi- dence at the hearing, such as testimony of witnesses or produc- tion of physical objects. d. Only the terminated or disciplined employee shall be permitted to respond to the charges by explaining his or her side of the story, unless the City agrees to hear testimony from other individuals at the employee's request. An oath shall be adminis- tered to the employee and any other individual who testifies on the employees' behalf prior to their testimony. Cross-examina- tion or confrontation of adverse witnesses is not required. 2. Decision. A decision to affirm, modify or reverse the termination or disciplinary decision shall be made within thirty days of the hearing. Written notice of the decision shall be supplied to the employee. 3. Suspension of Employee Prior to Hearing. If the Mayor perceives a significant hazard or detriment to the best interests of the City in keeping the employee on the job until the preter- mination hearing occurs, the employee shall be suspended with pay until a decision is rendered following the hearing. [Insert at page 13] 2. Written Warning - Moderate infraction, repeated instances of an action, action repeated following oral warning. The Department Head will: 1. Discuss the cause for the written warning with the employee. 2. Provide the employee with a copy of the written warning. 3. Outline proper behavior for future reference. 4. Place a copy of the written warning in the employee's file noting the date it was administered. 3. Suspension - The most severe form of discipline short of termination, for severe infractions or actions repeated following written warning. Suspension may be with or without pay. The Department Head will: 1, Thoroughly review the employee's action and previous disciplinary actions (if any), Make a determination that suspen- sion is appropriate, 2. If the suspension is with pay, notify the employee verbally of the suspension to begin immediately. If the suspen- sion is without pay, conduct a disciplinary hearing as outlined in section 3. 3, Notify the Mayor of the suspension., 4, Prepare a memo (a) detailing the reasons for the suspension citing as many specific dates and actions as possible; (b) setting forth the duration and conditions of the suspension; (c) discussing consequences of future infractions, 5, Place a copy of the memo in the employee's personnel file noting the date the action was discussed with the employee and supply the employee with a copy, 4. Demotions - When an employee is unable to perform certain tasks or responsibilities of the job but could function effec- tively in a position with less difficult tasks or less responsi- bility and an opening exists in such a position or a new position is created, - 2 - The Department Head will: 1. Thoroughly review the employee's inability to perform specific tasks or responsibilities. Make a determination that demotion is appropriate. 2. Discuss the demotion with the Mayor. 3. Prepare a memo (a) detailing reasons for the demotion citing specific incidents as possible; (b) setting forth the duration and conditions of the demotion; (c) discussing conse- quences of future infractions. 4. Discuss the demotion and the memo thoroughly with the employee making sure the employee is fully aware of the reason for the demotion. If the demotion involves a reduction in pay and/or benefits, conduct a disciplinary hearing as outlined in section 3. 5. Place the memo in the employee's file and supply the employee with a copy. 5. Discharge - For the most severe infractions or in cases where continued employment would be a serious detriment to the City. May be preceded by less severe disciplinary actions but may be administered without any prior disciplinary action when circumstances warrant. The Department Head will: 1. Discuss recommendation for discharge with the Mayor to be certain that all facts and circumstances have been reviewed and teat there is adequate justification and documentation for the discharge. 2. If in the opinion of the supervisor immediate dis- charge is necessary the employee should be suspended until the recommendation is reviewed by the Mayor and the required memo is prepared. Suspensions shall follow procedures set forth above. 3. Prepare a memo detailing the reasons for the di- scharge citing as many specific dates and actions as possible and setting an effective date of the discharge. 4. Provide a copy of the memo to the employee. 5. Conduct a pretermination hearing as outlined in section 3. 6. If the discharge is immediate, check out tools or employee work station and make arrangements for handling final pay. - 3 - 7. Place a copy of the memo in the employee's file noting the date the action was discussed with the employee. 8. Final pay shall be paid as provided in the Discharge section below. 6. Appeals of Disciplinary Actions. An employee may appeal disciplinary actions through the City of Winslow grievance proce- dure. - 4 - [Insert at page 33] DISCHARGE - INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION. Unless covered by civil service, all Department Heads shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be discharged without cause. Other employees may be discharged from City employment: 1. During or at the end of the probationary period. section on probation). (See 2. As a result of a disciplinary action. discipline.) (See section on 3. For unsatisfactory job performance other than related to disciplinary action. 4. Loss of skills, certification or other qualifications required for the job or other conditions which make the employee unfit for service. DISABILITY. An employee may be terminated for disability when he/she cannot perform the required duties because of physi- cal or mental impairment and the City cannot reasonably accommo- date the disabled person without undue hardship to its operation. Action may be initiated by the employee, his/her legal represen- tation, or the City. Disability termination must be supported by medical evidence acceptable to the Department head. The City may require an examination at its expense to be performed by a physi- cian of its choice. Termination and retirement benefits will be those allowed for resignation and the retirement program_~n which the employee is enrolled. Termination will be effective upon completion of investigation by the City and a pretermination hearing. DEATH. Termination will be effective on the date of death. All compensation allowed will be paid to the beneficiary designated by the employee in the personnel file. - 5 -