RES 86-12 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICESRESOLUTION NO. 86-12 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1986 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES TO STATE FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington feel it is in the best interest of providing for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winslow to enter into an agreement with the State of Washington Department of Community Development for services; and WHEREAS, the 1986 contractual agreement with the State of Washington Department of Community Development is an amendment to the 1984 contractual agreement; and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington allow such agreements, pursuant to RCW 35.21.775, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, as follows: The Department of Community Development Contract for Fire Protection Services to State Facilities for Fiscal Year 1986 is hereby approved; a copy is attached as Exhibit A. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL of the Ci~A~of Winslow, Washington, this 1st day of , 1986. Alice B. Tawresey ~ Mayor ATTEST: Donna iJ~an Buxton// Clerk/Treasurer Fiscal Year 1986 Annual Amendment to Fire Protection Contract for State Owned Facilities in City Boundaries This Fiscal Year 1986 Annual Amendment to Contract No. FP-8481 entered into by and bet~-cn City of Winslow (bereinafter referred to as the "OONTRAC'IDR"), and the ~shington State Department of Cx~,,,unity Development, formerly the P]_~nning and C(~munity Affairs Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMent") ~TNESSES THAT: The DEPARTMENT has hcn appropriated $437,000 for Fiscal Year 1986 fr~n the Washington State Legislature. The DEPAF{PMENT ha8 completed an annual survey of State Facilities located in incorporated cities and towns. The Fiscal Year 1986 funding under this contract b~-~ hcn allocated in accordance with the requirements of ~q 35.21.775 and 365.80 ~RC. The purpose of this annual contract amendment is to provide the CONTRACTOR with its proportional share of the appropriated funds, for Fiscal Year 1986. The Followinn Sections are Amended to Read as Follow: The DEPARTM~qT agrees to pay the apportioned amount of $ 742 to the city within thirty days after receipt of payment request for servkes from July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986. Thereafter, amounts to be paid shall be calculated pursuant to this contract, and RCW 35.21.775 (and regulations adopted pursuant thereto). The city agrees to accept this ar~unt, a~d the amounts so calculated, as payment for bask fire protection services; provided supplemental agrc..-~ents as authorized in RC~ 35.21.777 may be negotiated. The DEPARTMENT has identified the stmn of $437,000 as the total appropriation available to fund fire protection contracts with cities during this contract period. Puts,rant to ~RC 365-80 the DEPARTMENT shall disburse to the city a portion of the $437,000 equal to the city's percentage share of all state-owned building square footages within all cities statewide as identified in Schedule 'A" FY 1986 which by this reference is made a part of the agre~e__nt and is agrc~ to accurately state the square footage figures, including estimated levels of construction, from which contract payments are to be calculated. These figures shall be determined annually by the DEPARIMENf purs,~nt to the provisions of ~RC 365-80. No corrections for additional state facilities will be made in the schedule of payments sheran on Schedule "A" during the current fiscal year. The Followinn Section Shall Be Added As Follows: The ~ agrc~ to defend, hold harmless and ind~Afy the state of Washingten and the DEPARTMENT, their officers, agents, emplo}~cs, and assigns, against any and all clamages or cla{,,,~ from __aMmges resultin9 or allegeclly resulting from the ~'s performance or activities hereunder. This Fiscal Year 1986 Ann~ml Amendment supersedes the Fiscal Year 1985 Annual Amendment. This annual amendment shall be read in conjuncticn with the text of the original contract. Each and every provisic~ of t]~ original .contract shall remain in full foroe and effect except as amended herein. ]]q ~ITN~qq, %'rnereof, the DEPAR~.~ENT and the C0NTRACTCR have executed this ann,~l amendment as of the date and y~er written below. Chdck' ~l~vke, Deputy Director Depa~h,ent of Cu,,,,~nity DeveloFment DA ~]~: As Attorney General JURISDICTION ABERDEEN ANACORTES ARLINGTON AUBURN · BELLEVUE BELL I NGHAM BREMERTON BUCKLEY BURLINGTON CAMAS CEN]"RAL I A CHEHAL I S CHEWELAH COLFAX COLVILLE CONCONUL LY F"r];'qCRETE ,I~NEL!_ D;-',VENF'DF;iT !)AYTON DEER F'Ar~K EI:t:~'IONDS ELECTRIL"; CITY ELL LE",~SBL!F:G i:D',!J~'fCL A',~.~ >: oH:-.,c !iL V -:l: !:;: E T T [- t:Y:;'i:: ? :::'R;2'.'!'¥ HARBDF' t";":!L-Z>Lz.:ND~L E L:4:', k:: r-i: :,.! 'I "2 !F: Y -'.VE:!,NWDRTH L. 3",!G BEACH LO\!EV I t, M~.\!.EF ] E:LD ~'1ED]SAL LAKE ME'RE:EP,' I BLAND M ! LL CREEK SCHEDULE A - FY 1986 ALLOCATZON OF FIRE: F'ROTECTION FLJNDS - SUMMARY SQ FT ALLOCATION JUR I SDI CT 101'4 E;Q FT ] 74 346 28,721. 4,370 800 388~255 2 ~ 551 905 414. 605 935. 394 =' 252 7 246 227 142 2 ~ O 4 ~ 0 768 10 ~ 453 4 ~ 606 304 ] ~910 8 775 23, ]23 'J ] ,., C'52 63 ~ 0 S 9 36C,, ~, , (., 9(.~(') ~::; ~.: (:; 15, ......... ".:' 3 J 9 2B8 ~ 286 ~. 326 1,559~ 725 2,62.2 11 ~ '78C} 9 ~:X':,'~ $ 2, 130 351 100 100 4,743 31,174 ,~, 065 ]. 1 , 4()2 100 10A 2 572 :[ 28 869 100 i 1 '~ 07 :i zj ~ 282 77:1 {,c :. 335 :T '~ "~ 3,52z! 16,61~ MOSES LAKE MOUNT VERNON MLIK I [.TEO NEWPORT NOR]'H BEND NORTH BONNEV, NORTHPORT OAKESDALE OAF=:: HARBOR OCEAN SHORES OKANOGAN OLYMPIA OMAK OROVILLE DRTING F'ASCO PORT ANGELES PORT ORCHARD F'DRI' TOWNSEND F'OULSBD PRES[]OT~ F'ROSSER F'UL. LMAN ;::'L~YALL.LJF:' F<AYMOND ;::;: E: N 't [:)N !~ I CHLAND SEAT'T'LE SEDR[] W[]OLLEY SELAH E H E: L '1" D 3 '::" 3 i": A N C ;..~',!NYE. I DE TACOMA 'YDF'F'E:N ] SH ]UI~iWATER [IN ]DN GAF' V ~ N C 0 LI V EE R WAL..LA W~LLA WASHTUC::NA WE:NATCHEE W ] NS[..OW WDDD[. AND TOTALS: 3. 165 201 026 1 10 () 3 640 8 218 4 869 3 462 =' 130 34 062 600 1B, 127 3~679~317 16~799 1 , 200 15e, ~05,75 i 16B, 455 23,346 4.33 4()2 7 ,, 0c:, ::. 2, ,-,:, d i 2. F~ ~ 2 ,24E; ,, 7z~-~:~ 2r, 15 ('., 3 ~. 5 '7 ,, ] 302 ?E',3 ~5. J 75' ,, 057 942. 564 3! ::!; .. 834 60 ~ '75(~ 2,232 ~9~::~ ,. 897 599 ~59 AI...LOC(':T I ON 2,4.z J.~ 1¢ 4: 1( 44,9z 2( ! ( 1,9z 3,73 2,0~= 2E ~,.2S I C ~] 72 186 ~ 13,94 3,7,:~ 1~ ,51~ 16, ()5~ 2 ~ 5'l~ 4 ~ 77t $437,0(':,~ A;~-x ~iz2":. y INVOICE VOUCHER AO~_,',iCY NAME Ds,5-a;~tmer, t of Cc:r..ur, ity Develcpmsnt 108- 0Ol -!.- IGS ~=_ Honorable r-lice ~. Tawresey ;~ayor of Winslow P. O. Bo:: 10100 :.'i:-:.slov, :.-'--sl':fnT-ton 98110 DATE DESCRIPTION OUANTITY BY /- F, ayor UN';T UNiT PR!CE FOP AGEN2Y A~2;UNT cr RECFmVED JUN9 1986 FI,e. CAL AFRS ACCOUNT CODE VENDC~:ITBER ~ VENI)C~ MESSAC. j