RES 86-14 SCAN TELEPHONE SYSTEM0045.00103 WDT/naa 07/29/86 RESOLUTION NO. 86-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR SCAN SERVICES BETWEEN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND THE CITY OF WINSLOW. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow deems it in the best interest of the City to enter into the attached contract with the State Department of General Administration for utilizing the SCAN telephone system, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor is authorized to execute the Agreement August 7, for SCAN Services, dated J~4~-4~ 1986, a copy of which is attached hereto. RESOLVED this August 7th day of ~n~y7 1986. APPROVED: ATTESt/AUTHENTICATED: MAYOR, ALICE B. TAWRESEY~/ FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: July 30, 1986 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: AUgUSt 7, 1986 RESOLUTION NO. R6-14 AC~EEMENT FOR SCAN SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of Auqust , 1986, under the provisions of Chapter 39.34 RCW, by an~tween the State Department of General Administration, hereinafter called the "State", and City of Winslow , hereinafter calied the "User". This agreement is for the purpose of permitting the User to make the most efficient use of its powers by enabling it to cooperate with the State and other authorized public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage in the utilization of the State Controlled Area~etwork, hereinafter ca)led "SCAN". ' ' ' The State agrees to furnish service on SCAN, the statewide telephone network, to the User as heroinafter provided: The User may terminate service at any time. The State may discontinue service to the User at any time after 30 days prior written notice. The User shall utilize the system in accordance with the following conditions: (a) (b) (c) (d) Calls on the SCAN Network shall be for state and public agency purposes and functions only; Personal calls are not permitted; The User is not authorized to provide SCAN service or facilities to any other activity. All requests for SCAN service will be referred to the State Telecommunications Division; for appropriate disposition; The User will not change the terminating equipment or type of service without first providing written notification to the State Telecommunication Division; The State will provide the User an accounting report of calls monthly on the same basis that it does state agencies. The State will determine the rates to be charged based upon the number of minutes of SCAN tele- phone usage and upon the total cost of SCAN, including common carrier charges and administrative expenses, and upon the cost of common carrier facilities and equipment necessary to provide SCAN service as in the case of state agencies. SCAN usage will be evaluated quarterly, or as necessary, for the purpose of making such adjustments as may be necessary to conform to cost variations. The User shall make payment in full within ten days after receipt of the advance invoice in accord- ance with the Advance Payment Policy. The State shall determine whether SCAN service for the User will be provided at any requested geographical location. SCAN services will be authorized only in those offices operated by the User for the purpose of conducting business directly concerned with state or local governmental functions. Ar.,REEMENT FOR SCAN SERVICES Page Two The State shall administer this agreement for services in the same manner as it does for state agencies, boards and commissions. In the event that the services provided by the State involve the use of services or facilities with regard to which another ~tate agency has statutory powers, this agreement shall be submitted to such state agency for approval prior to its becoming effective. Before this aqreement shall become effective, it shall be filed with the City Clerk and with the County Auditor, and with the Secretary of State. Any filing fees attributable thereto shall be borne by the User. The powers and authority conferred by this agreement are in addition and supplemental tO powers or authority conferred by any other law and nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed as limiting any other powers or authority of the User or the State. DATED THIS ? day of.~q~l~. lg86 USER AGENCY BY ~ TITLE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMiNiSTRATION BETTY L. 80USHEY TELECOMMN I CAT I ON S D I RECTOR