RES 86-23 CONTRACT WITH GARDNER ENGINEERSRESOLUTION NO. 86-23 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH GARDNER ENGINEERS FOR SERVICES TO IMPLEMENT STORMWATER USER FEES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, has established a Storm Drain Utility; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow has determined storm drain utility user fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, feels it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City to enter into an agreement with Gardner Engineers for services to implement storm drain utility fees; and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington allow such agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, as follows: The proposed contract (Exhibit A attached hereto and dated October 14, 1986) with Gardner Engineers for services to implement storm drain utility fees is hereby approved. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Winslow, Washington, this 6th day of November, 1986. ATTEST: Clerk/Treasurer C~AI:tDIVEI:t ENGINEEI:tS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SINCE 1883 SUITE 300 · 2124 FOURTH AVENUE Seattle, Washington 98121 (206) 728-1883 City of Winslow P. O. Box lOlO0 ti~nslow, WA 95110 Attn: Alice lawresey Maycr o c T 1 ? 1986 RESOLUTIONNO. 86-23 ** EXHIBIT "A" ** BY; Movtimer H. ~llon~Bs, P.E. Thomas P. Fitzrnovris, P.E. Leonard J. Locke, P.E. Re: Services tc !mplemcn~ Stormwater User Fees CITY OF WINSLOW dC~. October 14, 1986 Dear Alice: A s .i sum ng the Council votes to 'implement the stormwater user fees on the 16th, we will need to move fairly quickly if you are to be in position to issue bills by January 1987. The plan is that we would assist Jean Buxton and her staff by preparing the work sheets for computing the billing for all commercial properties. This work involves the use of assessor maps, aerial photos, land use department records, and field checks to determine the amount of impervious area on each property. With approximately 200 commercial accounts, this is a fair amount of work. We suggest that we perform the work on a time and expense basis under the terms of our other contracts with the City. Our estimate oF the cost of the required services follows: LABOR ~. E. Warre, Steve Kitterman Technician/ Computer Operator Clerical 30 hours @ $75.00/hr = $ 2,250.00 30 hcurs@ $50. O0/hr = $ 1,500.00 80 hours @ $39.00/hr: $ 3,120.00 · ~r, 8 : ,~ h.~urs $28.00/hr $ 1,120.00 $ 7,990.00 Total Labor DIRECT COSTS Travel - lO'trips @ $25.00 Computer - 40 hrs @ $20/hr Aerial Photos & Surveying Reproduction = $ 250.00 : $ 800.00 = $3,000.00 = $ 200.00 Total Direct Costs TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF SERVICES $ 4,250.00 $ 12,240.00 City of Winslow Services to Implement Stormwater User Fees October 14, 1986 Page 2 We recommend that the City assign a new project number to this work with a budget limit of $13,000.00. We would not exceed this amount without prior City approval. The City will also need to budget at least $8,000.00 for City costs of putting the billings in place. All costs should be accounted against the stormwater utility and recovered once revenues come in. if this proposal is acceptable, this letter could serve as a contract and authorization, or we can put the same material into a full contract form as our other active contracts. Respectfully submitted, GARDNE , ~C. ~ren~ P.E. Project Manager Accepted and Authorized: CITY OF WINSLOW 7 s,-c-z -. "'- ,,-'Alice B.'Taw~e~ey, Mayor''~ Dated: ATTEST:/~,z,/_Z -- Dorma Jean~ BGx~~-Treasufer