RES 87-02 PETITION TO IMPROVE MADISON TO WINSLOW WAY0045.09005 WDT/Sc 12/10/86 RESOLUTION NO. 87-02 A RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A PETITION ASKING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, TO IMPROVE MADISON AVENUE FROM WYATT WAY TO WINSLOW WAY IN THE CITY OF WINSLOW BY CONSTRUCTING STANDARD CURBS AND GUTTERS ON THE EAST SIDE OF MADISON AVENUE; PAVING THE STREET; INSTALLING WATERLINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS; INSTALLING A SIDEWALK, BIKE LANE, SANITARY AND STORM DRAINAGE AND STREETLIGHTS; PROVIDING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE AND RELOCATE UTILITIES; LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING TREES 'AND ILLUMINATION, AND ALL GRADING AND BASE PREPARATION, AND ALL RELATED WORK NECESSARY TO MAKE A COMPLETE IMPROVEMENT IN. ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDS; CREATING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MADE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON THE PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT UNDER THE MODE OF PAYMENT BY BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS:" Section 1, Petitions have been filed with the city, signed by owners of property aggregating a majority of the area within a proposed local~'improVement district, calling for the City Council of the City of Winslow to improve certain streets, aS hereinafter set forth, in the City of Winslow, by construction standard curbs and gutters on the east side of Madison Avenue, 'paving the street; i nstalli ng waterli nes and fire ~hydrants; i nstalli ng a sidewalk, bike lane, sanita~ and stq~ drainage and streetlights; prov~ding~ !traffic' contr61 devices and rel0cation of utilities, ~!a~dscaping, all grading and base preparation and al~ rel~d work.ne~.essary to make a complete improvement in'~accordance with City standards, said street being the following: Madison Avenue from Wyatt Way .to Winslow Way. Section 2. That the cost and expense of a portion of the labor and material required to make a complete improvement, including legal, engineering, administrative, printing, costs of acquisition, and a portion of other expenses of every kind, shall be made by special assessment; a local improvement district shall be established embracing as near as may be, all of the property specially benefited by such improvement and such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay the cost of such improvement up to $60,681.50 under the mode of payment by bonds. The remainder of all costs and expense shall' be paid from UAB funds and/or other available City funds. Section 3. The method of assessment which has been selected consists of a per front foot charge for all improvements. Further information in the method and manner of assessment can be obtained from the City or the consulting engineers, Gardner Engineers, Suite 300, 2124 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, telephone 728-1883. Section 4. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herei n mentioned and/or the method of assessment are hereby notified to appear at City Hall, 625 Winslow Way E., in the City of Winslow, Washington, at a meeting of the said Council on the 5th day of February, 1987, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. then and there to present their objections, if any, concerning said improvement. Section 5. The consulting engineer of the City of Winslow is hereby directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to the aforestated day the estimated cost and expense of the improvement mentioned in this resolution and a statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the improvements thereon within the said proposed improvement district, according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property which shall be speically benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such lot, tract parcel of land or other property. RESOLVED this 8th day of JANUARY , 19870 APPROVED ~ ~ ALICE B. TAT;WRESEY, ~YOR ROBERT O. CONOLEY, CITY A%!DP~IEY ~