RES 87-32 PLANNING AGENCY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLANRmSOLUrmN NO. ~ 7-3 >~ A RESOL~i'iON OF 'HIE Ci'IY OF WiNS[/J~ CCIv~j~I~I)iNG 'IIIE PI~MqNiNG AGENCY FOR 'I]iEIR WORK ON 'ItlE CC~IPRP/~ENSIVE PlAN AND ZONING O[~OINANCE. ~,~IEREAS, the Plann~g Age3~cy was givs~ the task of developing a reconmendation .for tJ~e City COLU~Cil on amendnents to the C~rehensive Plan and Zonh~g Ord~ance; and PaLEREAS, the Planning Agency has worked diligently fJlroughout ~J~e last year on this assignn~lt; m~d WIIERF2x. S the l']anujng Ag~c~; has forwarded its rec~mnndation for a Cc~t~reh~sive Plan and Zoning changes to the City Cc~n~cil, now, ~Jxerefore, 'I]]E CiTY C(IJNCIL OF '111E WI'iY OF W1NSIX/N RESOI,VES AS FOLLOWS: 'I]IE PLANNING AGENCY n~bers consisting of: Ix3ug (~nring Ilugh ~caulay IX)m~a Moore P~b Nortie Gary Petersen ~oihq F~dolph Richard ~ilson are hereby cc~mended £or the many hours o£ fine volunteered in ~e process oE developin9 the recc~nended Cc~rehensive Pian and Zonin90rdh~ce; and ~IE PI2~NNING ~GENCY is hereby corx~ended Eor its extensive eE£or~ to st~k ixrblic i,,t~ md ~o mitigate proper~y ox~ers' concerns; ~d ~IE CITY COUNCIL expresses its appreciation and 9ra~i~ude to ~he Plannhlg ~ge31cy r~r~ers. RESOLVED BY 'life COUNCIL oE ~e City of ~inslow, ~ashington, ~is day o£ Nov~tt~r, 1987. MAYOR, ALICE 5. 5'AWI'~F, SEY ~ A'i'I'J!~;",'/AU'] I II!:NT,LCATI?D: FII,E1) WiIII TIE CI!~C ChERK: OCTOBER 28, PASSFI) BY 'file CI'iY COUNC1L: NOVEMBER 5, RESOLUi'ION NO. 87 - 32 1987 1987