RES 88-21 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMRESOLUTION NO. 88-21 A RESOLUTION 'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tile CITY OF WINSLOW , WASHINGTON , ADOPTING A SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND DIRECT- ING TI|E SAME 'FO BE FILED WITH THE STATE SECRE- TARY OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE TI{ANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD. WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW Chapters 35.77 and 47.26, as amended, the City Council of the City of Winslow has previously adopted a Comprehensive Street Program and thereafter periodically modified said Comprehensive Street Program by resolution, and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the work accom- plished under the said program, determined current and future City street and arterial needs, and based upon these findings has prepared a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Prograin for. the next ensuing six (6) calendar years, and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on the said Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, and W~[EREAS, the City Council finds that there will be no significant adverse environmental impacts as a result of adoption or implementation of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Prograin, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'FHE CITY OF WINSLOW , WASHINGTON , ][EREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Program Adopted. The Six-Year Transporta- tion Improve,nent Program for the City of Winslow, as revised and extended for the ensuing six (6) calendar years ~ 1989 - 1994 inclusive), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth, which pro9ram sets forth the project location, type of improve- ment and the estimated cost thereof, is hereby adopted and approved. Section 2. Filing of Program. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a copy of this resolution, together with the exhibit attached hereto, with the Secretary of Transportation and the Transportation Improvement Board for the State of Washington. RESOLVED this 4 day of August , 1988. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED CITY CLERK/tDONNA JEAN BUXTON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: JULY 28, 1988 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: AUGUST 4, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88- 21 APPROVED: MAYOR, ALICE B. TAWRESEY NOTE: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM This form is set up in "Pica" typewriter format (tO characters per inch.) for coding computer input. Computer space for the description of work is limited so brevity is encouraged. A planning obligation program indicating the allocation of funds to mn hr Phases of project development, i.e preliminary engineering, right-of- way and construction. Show the funding amount for the entire phP ,it phases in the expected year of expenditure even though lhe expenditure of funds may take place over several years. Include all proposed projects regardless of location or source of funds, however, urban and rural arterial trual fund projects need to be included only in six-year transpodalion improvement programs beginning in od~dd numbered years. Show the amount of Federal funds Io be obligated in the appropriate column of lhe Federal Obligation Plan Complete the form for the six-year program in accordance with the tollowing instruclions: HEADING City/County: ................. Enter name of local agency and appropriate county. Counly Number: .............. Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks. City Number: ................ Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks. Hearing Date: ................ Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority. Adoption: ................... Enter lhe date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority. Resolution Number: ........... Enter City Council or Co. Legislative Auth. resolulion number (if applicable). COLUMN NO. 9 thru 12 13 14 thru 16 18 19 & 20 Functional Classification .... Enter the appropriate two digit code denoting the Federal Functional Classifications (Note: The Federal Functional Classifications shown on the official funclioaal classilicatlo~ maps prepared by WSDOT.) Rural (under 5,000) Urban (Over 5,000) Code Code Block Block 2 Description 1 2 Description ~ Principal Arterial--interstate I 1 Principal Arlerial--lnlerslate Other Freeways 2 Principal Arterial--Other (State) I 2 Principal Arterial--or Expressways 6 Minor Adertal 1 4 Principal ArteriaI--Olher (FAM) 7 Major Collector (FAS) t 6 Minor Arterial--(FAM) 8 Minor Colleclor t 7 Colleclor-(FAM) 9 Local (Access) t 9 Local--(Access) (Note: If Rural or Urban Arterial Trust Funds (Col. 15) are to be used as funding source, the appropriate code number mu81 be shown.) Priordy No .............. Enter local agency projecl identifying numbers in priority order. Project Identification ....... Enter appropriate information noted. Major Class of Work ...... Enter the appropriate code number(s). 1. New construction on new alignment 6. Traffic control 2. Major widening (additional lanes) T. Capital purchases 3. Minor widening (increase lane width, add shoulders) 8. Non capital improvements 4. Rehabilltalion/reconstruction 9. Non motor vehicle use 5. Resurfacing 10. Transit Capital Project 11. Transit Operating Project 12. Transit Planning Project Work Codes ............. Enter appropriate code letter(s). A. Grading L. Bridge B. Draining M. Landscaping C, Light Bituminous Surface N. Paths & Trails D. A,C. or P.C.C. Pavement O. Bikeways E. Seatcoat P. Transit Facility F. Curbs & Gutters Q. Car/Van Pool Program G. Sidewalks R. High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes H. Channelization S. Surveillance Control & Driver Information I. Signalizelion T. Ferry Facility J. Lighting U Project Studies K. Signing Total Length in Miles ...... Enter Length ol project to nearest hundredlh. Carryover Project ......... Enter (x) if project is carried over from previous year. (Funds were planned for expenditure but were not expended during previous year+) Funding Status ........... Use the funding code that best describes the likelihood of this project being conMructed. F. Funded P. Proposed for Funding. U+ Funding is Unknown (fat, 2nd, 3rd, 4, 5 & 6th years) ............ Enter the estimated project costs (in thousands of dollars) planned for expendilure in each year. Total Funds ............. Enter total project cost, (This should equal Col. 9-12. It should also equal CoL 14-16.) Funding by Source ........ Enter the dollar amount (in thousands of dollars) planned to be programmed under the appli- cable funding source column in appropriate coding blocks. (The Federal programs require completion of Federal Obligation Plan, Columns t8 thru 20.) Utility Codes ............ Enter the appropriale code letter(s) for the utilities that would need fo be relocated or are impacted by proposed construction of the project. C. Cable (TV) G Gas P. Power T. Telephone S. Sewers (Other than Agency Owned) O. Other Federal Project No ...... A.(4) ..... Program=BROS, aRM, BRS, RS, M, HES, RRP, RRS, etc. (xxxx-xxxx-xxx) ....... B.(4) ....... Route=Federal Route Number. ( A - B . C ) ....... C.(3) ....... Sequence=Assigned at fund approval slags by State Aid. Federal Funding Obligation ......... R/W ......... Const Enter the amount (in thousands of dollars) ol the proposed Federal funds to be obligated in the appropriate column, (This item should not include any phases for which Federal funds have already bees autho- rized.) (Same as P,E.) (Same as P.E.) 0 rn z 0000 ~OC~ .mz~ 0~ 00~ Z 0 --I ..,4 0 "< '< C Z Z 0 .C) ,< ITI I"1'1 0 ~-~ ~ or- co co co co