RES 89-24 WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLINGRESOLUTION NO. 89-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, NASHINGTON, SUPPORTING THE SUBMII~fAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE DEPARIMMqT OF ECOLOGY FOR A COUNTY-WIDE PLAN FOR WASTE REDUCTION/OR RECYCLING. WHEREAS, the Deparhlent of Ecology has a total of $1,037,500, available for program design projects. WHEREAS, grants will be made for up to 85% of the total eligible project costs, pursuant to RCW 43.83-A, or for a maximum of $100,000, per project, WHEREAS, projects eligible for funding are those that will result in inplementable program designs that neet the waste reduction and/or recycling needs of geographical areas, WHEREAS, Kitsap County receives a user fee frcm the operators of the ladfills in the County for each cubic yard placed in the sites and the fee is used for County-wide solid waste needs, WHEREAS, there is a need for a County-wide plan for recycling and/or waste reduction, WHEREAS, grant applications for preimplementation program designs must be received by June 9, 1989, to receive consideration in the first round of awards, NON, THEREFORE, THE MAYOR AND CITY CCITNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSIDW, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLCIWS: Section 1. ~he County should act as lead agency for a regional plan using monies collected through the County-wide user fee to pay for the grant matching requirement. Section 2. Tne County is authorized to prepare a plan with the City of Winslow as part of the County-wide plan for Waste Reduction and/or Recycling Project. ATi'EST/AUTHENTICATE: AT,TCE B. TAWRESEY, Mayor/7~a<z~'~/ ROBERT O. CONOLEY, C~i~y KITSAP COUNTY SOLID WASTE REDUCTION/RECYCLING PLAN DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK 1. INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE PLANNING AREA BACKGROUND a) Waste composition/recyclables characterization 1) Transfer station 2) Curbside residential b) Service area determination 1) Urban 2) Suburban 3) Rural c) Existing waste facilities reduction/recycling programs and RECYCLING SERVICES ALTERNATIVES a) Urban/Suburban l) 2) 4) 5) 6) Curbside collection Apartment collection Drop-off centers Buy-back centers Yard waste collection Commercial waste collection b) Rural 1) Multi-material drop-off centers 2) Yard waste drop-off boxes 3) Modified/limited curbside collection WASTE REDUCTION ALTERNATIVES ~) b) c) Conservation education Educational tools Government in-house reduction/recycling programs TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ~) b) Methods of handling, processing recyclables Suitability for each area 1) Character of each area 2) Preferences of area residents and collecting ECONOMIC ANALYSIS a) b) C) Revenues from recyclables Avoided disposal costs Comparison of recycling collection and disposal costs costs to present waste EVALUATION OF SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES a) b) Flexibility in design and operation for each area Costs comparison MANAGEMENT SYSTEM a) b) c) d) Financing Flow control Administration/coordination Public involvement Enforcement RECOMMENDATIONS a) Waste reduction/recycling each area Program costs by area Implementation schedule program recommendations for