RES 89-60 IMPORTANCE OF GOOD HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. RQ-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW RECOGNIZING THE NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF GOOD HEALT~ WHEREAS, a program allowing choices toward education and opportunities on the importance of an employee's good health was recognized by the City of Winslow; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest for the health, welfare and safety of the City of Winslow employee's; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW that: 1. A Wellness Program formed in 1987 is hereby referred to as the "Fit City Wellness Program", for the benefit of full time Employee's of the City of Winslow (attachment). 2. The "Fit City Wellness Program" will offer incentive points and useage thereof for all participating employees, as per the attached guidelines (Appendix A and B). 3. The objective of the "Fit City Wellness Program" is to motivate and inspire it's employees toward better health. Allowing awareness of the importance of health and fitness for the success of American business and individual career enhancement, and setting a standard for the City of Winslow. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Winslow, washington this 21st day of December , 1989. . . .cJ 1 {2&-<.p_. b ~A...:rL"{_<~/ Alice B. Tawresey, Ma r ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: \,~qNSLOW 'FIT CITY' CITY OF WINSLOW FIT CITY WELLNESS PROGRAM I PROCEDURES FOR USE OF WELLNESS INCENTIVES The Wellness Committee is pleased to present information about the city employees Fit City WellnessProgram. As there are many new employees since the initial development of this program, we hope this information explains and clarifies the various components within the program. The Wellness Program was established in 1987 by the Wellness Committee, with the support of the Mayor, City Councilmembers and the Department Heads. It was initiated through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC), as part of their Health Care Cost Containment Program. The purpose of this program has been to provide education and opportunities to help you make choices towards lifestyle changes, which in turn will enhance your overall health. The Wellness Committee offers various health related presentations and acti vi ties on a regular basis throughout each year. These informal presentations and activities will continue as the primary means to convey healthful information, featuring guest speakers and video presentations. Weight Management, Humor & Health, Stress To Your Advantage, the annual Physical Fitness Appraisal and opportunities for blood pressure rechecks are examples of presentations and activities offered. As we gain on our healthier life styles, the program has an incentive point system to entice and reward your efforts. You can acquire wellness points for participating in each wellness event. Points will also be given for activities done on your own time as outlined in Appendix B. Accumulated points can then be used for time off from your work day, or you may choose our newest option to select health related tangible items or services. See Appendix A. In order for the wellness committee to keep record of your participation and incentive points the following guidelines apply: 1. If you attend a Wellness Presentation or Video you will be asked to sign in on a participation form. 2. If you have a Personal Exercise Proqram as outlined in appendix "B" you must: a}. Submit a "Pre-Requirements to Participate in an Exercise/Physical Fitness Program" form annually. b}. Submit a "Participation Verification" form on a quarterly basis. 3. a} If you are a smoker and have had must submit a "Participation quarterly basis. a Smoke Free Month(s}, you Verification" form on a :-';' b} If you have Quit Smokinq for pne full year, you are entitled to a "one time" One Year Smoke Free Anniversa};:'y. Bonus. You must submit a "Participation Verification" form within 3 months from that anniversary date. When you applies: are ready to use your (also see Appendix "A" earned wellness and "B") points the following Time Off a} Complete and submit a Wellness Leave Request form to a Wellness Committee Member. This will include confirming your points status with the Wellness Committee Member, and obtaining approval from your Department Head. b} List hours used on a separate llne on your time sheet. Tanqible Purchases/Services a} Confirm your points status with a Wellness Committee Member. b} Complete a Wellness Tangible Purchases/Services form and submit to a Wellness Committee Member. (We request that local businesses be patronized). c} During the Wellness committees's monthly meeting, each request will be reviewed and if it is determined to be within the categories suggested in Appendix "A", approval will be granted. d} The Wellness Committee will then request a Purchase Order be issued for the Tangible Purchase/Service and you will be notified. A chart is being kept, along with other records as to how many points you have accumulated. An updated copy of this chart is attached to this packet. Posters, memos and flyers will continue to be the primary means to notify you of upcoming events. Check your department's Wellness bulletin board often. The Fit City Newsletter will inform employees of upcoming wellness programs, events and speakers, as well as bring healthful tips from time to time. If you have any suggestions or information you would like to share, please contact one of the committee members. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Melissa Coulombe Janet Schneider-Chance Phyllis Carlson Hannah Hood APPENDIX A POINTS SYSTEM/INCENTIVES TIME USAGE OF POINTS ACCUMULATED POINTS EQUIVALENT USAGE 75 POINTS 1 HOUR ADD. 1 HR. OFF W/LUNCH 150 POINTS 2 HOURS COME IN 2 HOURS LATE OR LEAVE 2 HOURS EARLY 200 POINTS 8 HOURS ONE FULL DAY OFF NOTE: I} No more than' one day off in a six month period. 2} You must use the additional hour off with your lunch and the two hours coming in late or leave two hours early, prior to taking the day off. SUGGESTED TANGIBLES/SERVICES USAGE OF POINTS 75 POINTS $5.00 1. GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR: A. HEALTHY LUNCH B. VITAMINS 2. FIRST AID KIT 150 POINTS $15.00 1. BOOKS: A. GENERAL HEALTH B. NUTRITIONAL COOKING C. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR GENERAL HEALTH OR NUTRITION MAGAZINES 200 POINTS $30.00 1. MASSAGE 2. FITNESS VIDEO 3. COUNSELLING SERVICES APPENDIX B WELLNESS SCHEDULED EVENTS BLOOD PRESSURE RECHECK 5 POINTS WELLNESS PRESENTATIONS 10 POINTS ANNUAL FIT CHECK 15 POINTS OTHER EVENTS 5 POINTS (minimum) PERSONAL FITNESS PROGRAM EXERCISING 3 TIMES A WEEK FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES PER DAY FOR 1 MONTH 25 POINTS 1 SMOKE FREE MONTH 20 POINTS A ONE TIME 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY BONUS WHEN YOU QUIT SMOKING SO POINTS NOTE: (I) THESE POINTS ARE ACCUMULATED ON A QUARTERLY BASIS. IF YOU DO NOT SUBMIT A PARTICIPATION VERIFICATION FORM BY THE QUARTERLY DEADLINE, YOU CANNOT RECEIVE THE POINTS. FOR EXAMPLE, IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE 1 YEAR SMOKE FREE ANNIVERSARY BONUS, YOU MUST REQUEST THE BONUS POINTS IN THE QUARTER YOU HAD THE 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. (2) IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND A WELLNESS PRESENTATION AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE A VIDEO ON THE SUBJECT COVERED, PLEASE CONTACT A WELLNESS COMMITTEE MEMBER. QUARTER PARTICIPATION VERIFICATION :~ THIS IS TO VERIFY THE FACT THAT: 1. I DID EXERCISE ON A REGULAR BASIS (3 DAYS PER WEEK FOR 20 CONTINUOUS MINUTES EACH DAY) FOR THE MONTHS OF 19 I QUALIFY FOR INCENTIVE POINTS. (NUMBER OF MONTHS EXERCISED TIMES 25 POINTS.) 2. I QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES FOR THE MONTHS OF 19 I QUALIFY FOR INCENTIVE POINTS. (NUMBER OF MONTHS QUIT TIMES 20 POINTS, UP TO ONE FULL YEAR.) 3. I WAS A SMOKER IN 19 AND I HAVE NOT SMOKED CIGARETTES FOR ONE FULL YEAR AS OF , 19 I QUALIFY FOR A ONE-TIME BONUS OF 50 INCENTIVE POINTS. TOTAL POINTS EARNED SIGNATURE DATE .CITY OF WINSLOW PRE-REQUIREMENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN AN EXERCISE/PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM BEFORE VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION IN EXERCISE PROGRAMS, THE CITY OF WINSLOW MUST INFORM YOU OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: YOUR CURRENT LEVEL OF FITNESS NEED~ TO BE EVALUATED IT MAY BE FAIRLY SAFE TO BEGIN A CONTROL PROGRAM OF EXERCISE IF YOU ARE: UNDER 35 YEARS OF AGE IN GOOD HEALTH RELATIVELY ACTIVE IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT A COMPLETE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION BE COMPLETED IF YOU: ARE OLDER THAN 35 ARE SUBSTANTIALLY OVER-WEIGHT FATIGUE EASILY PHYSICALLY INACTIVE HAVE A FAMILY OR PERt;ONAL HU;;TORY OF HEALTH PROBLEMS (HEART, ORTHOPED Ie, OBES I TY OR DIABETES) SMOKE EXCESSIVELY ARE ON MAINTENANCE MEDICATION FOR A MEDICAL CONDITION I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE BEEN INFORMED THAT IF ANY OF THE ABOVE APPLY TO ME, IT IS RECOMMENDED I SEE MY PHYSICIAN. SIGNATURE DATE WELLNESS LEAVE REQUEST EMPLOYEE NAME USAGE DATE TO f,}E USED D 75 PTS/l HOUR WITH LUNCH D 150 PTS/2 HOURS ARRIVE LATE OR LEAVE EARLY D 200 PTS/8 HOURS FULL DAY OFF COMMENTS WELLNESS COMMITTEE MEMBER DATE DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE NOTE: NO MORE THAN ONE DAY OFF IN A 6 MONTH PERIOD AND YOU MUST USE THE 1 HOUR AND 2 HOUR TIME OFF PRIOR TO TAKING THE FULL DAY OFF. APPROVED NOT APPROVED TANGIBLES/SERVICES REQUEST FORM DATE . EMPLOYEE NAME :t' TANGIBLE ITEM OR SERVICE VENDOR NAME ADDRESS POINTS TO BE USED P.O.# DATE SUGGESTED USES 75 POINTS $5.00 1. GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR: A. HEALTHY LUNCH B. VITAMINS 2. FIRST AID KIT 150 POINTS $15.00 1. BOOKS: A. GENERAL HEALTH B. NUTRITIONAL COOKING C. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR GENERAL HEALTH OR NUTRITION MAGAZINES 200 POINTS $30.00 1. MASSAGE 2. F'ITNES:;; VIDEO 3. COUNSELLING SERVICES WELLNESS COMMITTEE MEMBER DATE APPROVED NOT APPROVED NOTE: YOU MUST USE THE 75 AND 150 POINT INCENTIVES PRIOR TO USING THE 200 POINTS TANGIBLE PURCHASE OR SERVICE. " DEFINITION OF ACCUMULATIVE POINT SYSTEM Wellness points are accumulated hours, in other words, a participant collects points until he/she reaches his/her goal of 200 points e!1titling the participant to One Full, 8 hour, Wellness Day Off. Points are not subtracted until the ,. participant takes his/her Wellness Day Off. 75 points entitles the p3.rt.icipant to Incentive Time equal to 1 hour, whieh my only be taken with your norml lunch hour. 150 points entitles the participant to Incentive Time equal to 2 hours, which my only be used to ccme in to work 2 hours later, or leave 2 hours earlier than your norml work hours. 200 points entitles the p3.rt.icipant to a Full Wellness Day Off, 8 hours, for meeting his/her Wellness goal. Total accumulated hours of time off for earning 200 points is 11 hours. 'Ihe 75 point and 150 point Incentive Time hours IlUlst be used l::efore taking a Wellness Day Off, otherwise the participant l(X)ses the Incentive Time. A participant my not take IlDre than one Wellness Day Off in a SL'{ IlDnth j:€riod.. The alx)Ve policy is retroactive to January 1st, 1989. OLCO ; d I . , I ) ~ - 51~~'r- t HFS FfZEe-rl t<{E.. .' i/5"0 7;~ ,J "'-T1i<Cr-Ic.61'< - ;2 IfRS I1'rENilV~ , , p ..~ , , c I ~! , 1 ~. 175 '1_ " i -'5 lP:' tJC\ - I HR I JJCEJ-m~'c; E-< ~ ~ ril ~ ...:I~ m - HUl t!)::;: ril Zril Ul ,:t:E-< ,:t: E-<H :I: U llt :::> p, rilZ ril ::;:ril ...:I H::<:: m E-<,:t: H E-< E-< t!l . ~~ llt E-<tt.. ~~ OE-< ,:t: '0 ;c UlO llt . U ;clfl .-t U) N <Jr rilCl >< E-<ril ,:t:Ul II E-t Cl:J H U) 8 >- Z H H U) 0 8 p, 8 ZCl Hril 0 U Ou) 0 p..:J .-t t ,:t: ~ E-t Z ril Ul O::ril O::E-t E-t :J,:t: UCl Z ~ H ~ ~ - 0 - ril ril p.. ...:I ril Ul m u) ,:t: Ul,:t: ,:t: :I: E-t...:l :I: ~ Ul ZH U H,:t: llt :::> Ul ~~ :::> A< A< ril ril ril tt....:! :z; ...:I tt..m J:Q OH ...:I :I:H .t!l UlCl Ut!) ~~ ...:I E-tril S~ ~H~ Cl8 ril ...:18 OJ O,:t: ...:10 ~ .jJ A<ril .0 ...:10 111 P::Io :::> . 'tl :I: . tt..o lfl l"'l ril ~ N <Jr M <Jr W OJ Z I E 08 II II >< 111 HZ .:: 8ril Ul 0 ,:t:>- Ul 8 OJ A<ril 8 Z ...:I OJ H Z H ~ U~ H 0 A< 0 H 0 P, M E-<ril P, ::;: 0.. lltE-< 0 E ,:t:,:t: 0 0 >r:l OJ A<Cl lfl t'l 11/7/89 'Ib: r-1ayor Alice Tawresey F=: Helissa CDulambe, Y<fellness COordinator Re: 1990 ~'lellness Budget Dear Alice, Attached is our proposed Hellness budget for 1990. We have listed Salary and Benefits seperatly fran other ~'lellness expenses, as these costs were not originally expected to cane out of the overall Wellness budget set in 1988. Salary and Benefit costs absorbed a high percentage of our 1989 Wellness budget. The ea.ui:p:lent budgeted for 1990 is tentative, contingent on whatever plans the City r.E.y have for increasing the available space at City Hall. Tangible i teJns have not yet been approved by CDuncil. vIe are in- cluding them on our p:Jrposal for 1990, as we wuld like to offer a suJ:stitute to those employees who find it diffic'Ult to take time off of wurk to use their earned Wellness points. to decision has been reached as to \.,hether or not employees will be allowed to carry over vJellness points into 1990. Please advise. ~']e have COl'1e up vlith some great ideas for rrBk:ing our 1990 prograI'l ~ a rmre interesting and enjoyable one, while still passing on the importance of keeping fit and healthy. He are looking forward to an even better FIT CITY. Again, we thank you for your active support of our vlellness P=gram. Sincerely, ~~ }~lissa CDulambe, Wellness Coordinator cc: v7ellness COl'TC'i ttee MemJ::::ers; Hannah Hood Janet SChneider Phyllis Carlson Wellness Budget * EXPDIDITl'RES: 1988 1989 Actual 1990 501. 3. 517.90.41 P=f. Services 500.00 1000.00 1119.10 1250.00 501. 3. 517.90.49 Miscellaneous 1144.00 500.00 261. 90 325.00 501. 3. 517.90.31 Supplies 100.00 97.87 175.00 501. 3. 517.70.64 Equipnent 500.00 350.00 450.00 Tangible Services 800.00 Sub 'Ibtals: 2144.00 1600.00 1828.27 3000.00 501. 3. 517.90.10 Salaries 500.00 1000.00 1176.94 1350.00 501. 3. 517.90.20 Benefits 356.00 700.00 323.13 350.00 'IOTAIS : 3000.00 3300.00 3328.34 4700.00 *These figures include estimates for November and December, based on averages taken frCJr.l previous nonths expenses. APPENDIX A POINTS SYSTEM/INCENTIVES TIME USAGE OF POINTS ACCUMULATED POINTS EQUIVALENT USAGE 75 POINTS 1 HOUR ADD. 1 HR. OFF W/LUNCH 150 POINTS 2 HOURS COME IN 2 HOURS LATE/ LEAVE 2 HOURS EARLY 200 POINTS 8 HOURS ONE FULL DAY OFF NOTE: NO MORE THAN ONE DAY OFF IN A SIX MONTH PERIOD SUGGESTED TANGIBLES/SERVICES USAGE OF POINTS 75 POINTS $5.00 1- GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR: A. HEALTHY LUNCH B. VITAMINS 2 . FIRST AID KIT 150 POINTS $15.00 1- BOOKS: A. GENERAL HEALTH B. NUTRITIONAL COOKING C. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR GENERAL HEALTH OR NUTRITION MAGAZINES 200 POINTS $30.00 1. MASSAGE 2. FITNESS VIDEO 3 . COUNSELLING SERVICES