RES 99-25 ADOPTION OF NOV 6, 1998 KITSAP COUNTY COMP SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANRESOLUTION NO. 99-2~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, adopting the Kitsap County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, version: November 6, 1998. WHEREAS, the Washington Solid Waste Management Recycling and Recovery Act (RCW 70.95) requires each county within the state, in association with the cities and towns located within it, to prepare a 20-year comprehensive solid waste management plan (CSWMP) and to update the CSWMP at least every 5 years. The Washington State Department of Ecology has issued Solid Waste Planning Guidelines that interpret and expand upon the planning requirements of the Act; and WHEREAS, this CSWlVIP establishes a comprehensive system of programs and facilities to reduce waste generation, recycle, direct valuable resources away from the landfill, maintain and improve levels of service in the solid waste system which included drop-box facilities, landfill and Moderate Risk Waste Facility, and continues to mitigate the impact of closed landfills; and WHEREAS, the CSWMP speaks to the needs of all citizens in Kitsap County in regards to solid waste manag~nent and proposes action to satisfy those needs; and WHEREAS, the Kitsap County Solid Waste Advisory Committee participated in each phase of the Plan Development and reviewed the drafts of the CSWMP; and WHEREAS, the CSWMP identifies costs of carrying out the responsibilities and offers an implementation and financial plan; and WHEREAS, all the incorporated cities in Kitsap County have adopted, by resolution, the CSWMP; and WHEREAS, Kitsap County finds that it is in the interest of public health, safety and welfare to adopt the CSWMP pursuant to RCW 70.95.080; and WHEREAS, the Kitsap County Board of Commissionen adopted the Kitsap County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island participated in the preparation of the CSWMP pursuant to RCW 70.95.089, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Bainbridge Island hereby adopts the Kitsap County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, version: Noveirtber 6, 1998, as revised per the Washington State Department of Ecology in its preliminary approval. PASSED by the C~ C m 'ty ouneil this 28 day of July, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor this 29m day of july, 1999. DWIGHT SUTTON, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: SUSAN P. KASPER, City Clerk Kitsap County Department of Public Works 614 Division Street (MS-27), Port Orchard, WA 98366-4686 July 15, 1999 RECEIVED Dwi!~t Sutton, Mayor City of Bainbridge Island City Hall 625 Winslow Way E Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JUL 19 1999 EXECUTIVE Dear Mayor Sutton: R. W. Casteel, P.E., Director L- d .,,Tdb9 This klter is a formal request that the City of Bainbridge Island adopt the Comprehensive Solid Waste Manqlement Plan (CSWMP) prepared by Kitsap County Public Works. The Kitsap County Board of Commissioners have also been asked to adopt the CSWMP. The draft CSWMP was submitted to the Deparlment of Ecology and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) in February 1999. Presentations on the CSWMP were made to the Board of County Commissioners and to each City throulhout 1999. We have now received comments from Ecology and the WUTC and have prepared a respo~iveness summary which is enclosed. The CSWMP draft (version: November 6, 1998) which was routed to your city earlier this year will be revis~l to incorporate the comments from Ecology and the WUTC. This draft was previously revised to incorlmrate comments from the public, from each city' s representative on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, the tribes, the U.S. Navy, and the solid waste industry prior to submission to Ecology. We works! extensively with Ecology during the plan development and are pleased that the comments we receiv~cl from them will be easy to incorporate and will not constitute major changes to the content of any of the clmpters. A copy of the comments and our changes is enclosed and is entitled Responsiveness Summary. We a!~ asking you to adopt the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan by resolution. A sample resolution is enclosed. When we have received resolutions from the participating jurisdictions, we will reprint a limited number of plans and submit them to Ecology for final approval. Ecology can take up to 45 days to review the plan. Upon receipt of final approval, we will reprint the plan and will distribute it to all participants, advisory council members and the usual public repositories. We a~ asking that you process the resolution as soon as possible, preferably by the end of August. Resolutions from each participating jurisdiction arc required before Ecology will give final approval. We would like to resubmit the plan to Ecology by the first week of September so that they can begin their final review. Pleas~ feel free to call Gretchen Olsen at 337-4626 or Linda Worden at 337-5783 with any questions. Rand), C teel Direclor, Kitsap County Department of Public Works enclotm~s The Open Line 360.337-5777 or 800-825at940 · FAX 360-3374867 ---printed on recycled paper-- STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COM~5'~ 1300 5. Ever&teen Park Dr. 5. W., RO. Box 47250 · Olyrnpla, Washington 9850~-77;0 ,'.,,o., ,,,-,,,o.,-,',' r~,o., 5,,,-020~ i R E C E ! V E D February 10, 1999 FEB II/999 MS. Gretchen Olsen Solid Waste Program Manager Kiteap County Department of Public Works 614 Division Street, MS-27 Port Orchard, Washington 98366-4699 Publk: Win'tel ~ ., , RE: KitsaD Countv 1998 Draft Comprehensive Solid Waste ManaQement Plan Dear' Ms. Olsen: The WaShington Utilities and Transportation Commission '(Commission) has completed its review of the preliminary draft Kitsap County Solid Waste Management Plan. Staff analysis finds that the plan should have a minimal impact on solid waste rates for regulated ratepayers. Enclosed is Commission staff's back-up memorandum for the Commission's February 10, 1999, Open Public Meeting, and Commission staff comments. As the county finalizes this draft of the solid waste plan, staff hopes this review proves helpful. Thank you for considering our comments-as you move forward in the plan approval and implementation process. Please direct any questions about this letter or the enclosures to Bob Colbo, Transportation Program Consultant. He can be reached at: (360) 664-1246. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Secretary cc: Peter Christiansen, Department of Ecology, Northwest Regional Office Enclosures. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office, 3190-160th Ave S.E. · Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452 · (425) 649-7000 May l 1, 1999 Ms. Cnretchen Olsen Kitsai~ County Department of Public Works 614 Division Street (MS-27) Port Orchard, WA 98366-4686 Dear Ms. Olsen: !~,AY 21 1999 RE: PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE KITSAP COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN On D~ember 29, 1998, Ecology received a partial submittal of the Kitsap County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (Version: November 6, 1998) and a request for preliminary review. The submittal was complete on January 22, 1999, when the county forwarded the required cost assessment to Ecology and the WUTC. Per the statutory requirements of Chapter 70.95, and under the WDOE 90-11 Guidelines for the Development of Local Solid Waste Management Plans and Plan Revisions (WDOE 90-11 Guidelines), I have conducted a preliminary review of the Plan. I would like to commend the efforts of the County, the SWAC and all other involved parties in getting the Plan to this point. This planning effort has occurred in a period of very dynamic change in solid waste in the County, and all involved parties have stayed focused on producing a workable, usable document. We are confident this document will guide the County in making the tough decisions it will face in the near future in the solid waste arena. The ~a~___a_ched comments are categorized in two ways. The comments under the first heading must be addr~ed prior to Plan approval. The comments under the second heading, "General Comments", are not re~[uired to be addressed prior to Plan approval. However, Ecology feels that addressing these issues will help clarify the plan. Ecology has focused its comments on substantive issues and has not addfeted editing details in this review I look forward to working with your staff towards final approval of this plan. If you have any questions please call me?I 425-649-7076. Si 1 Solid Waste Planne? PDC:mtt:bas Enclomare ~-.