RES 99-20 IMPOSITION OF RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FEES BY COBIRESOLUTION No. 99-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON RELATING TO THE IMPOSITION OF RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FEES BY THE CITY; AND ANAENDING SECTION 13 OF THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND FEE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, in 1992 the City Council passed Ordinance 92-24, which, in part, authorized the City Council to set fees for Right of Way permits by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the City Council has determined that the present fee structure for Right of Way permits does not cover an equitable share of the cost to the city of permitting work in the city' s rights of way (a sample patch of 20 feet of road cut cost the City $4,455.15); now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 13 of the Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: 13. MISCELLANEOUS FEES BOAT DOCK MOORING and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES $.25 per foot (Ordinance 93-32, Resolutions 93-36 & 97-34) BOAT DOCK and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES, SPECIAL USE PERMIT (Ordinance 93 -3 2, Resolution 93 -3 6) $100.00 BOAT IMPOUND REDEMPTION FEES (BIMC 12.24 & Resolution 93-36) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE (Ordinance 96-22. Paid bi-monthly) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE - PENALTY (Set by contract) COLLECTION AGENCY FEE (Ordinance 97-29, Resolution 98-06) Charged whenever the City deems it necessary to use a collection agency in order to collect amounts owed to the City. Amount owed is $100.00 or less Amount owed is over $100.00 $50.00 5 % of Gross Revenue Variable 100% of Amount Owed 50% of Amount Owed CONCESSIONS FROM VENDING MACHINE Variable DISHONORED CHECK CHARGE (Ordinance 92-24.) DUI EMERGENCY RESPONSE FEE (Ordinance 98-21 & Resolution 98-42.) ESCHEAT TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE (Ordinance 92-24) FALSE ALARM FEES (Ordinance 92-24) Second response Third and all subsequent responses HOUSE MOVING PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) LATECOMERS AGREEMENT PROCESSING FEE $20.0O $150.00 $10.00 $50.00 $100.00/response $200.00 $250.00 LIEN FILING FEE (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) LIEN RELEASE FEE (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) L.I.D. PETITION PROCESSING FEE $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 NOTARY SERVICES (BIMC 12.20) $3.00 PAY PHONE ROYALTIES Variable PROCESS SERVICE FEE (Ordinance 92-24) REPORT TO INSURANCE COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) $25.0O $5.0O RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) Initial Application If a paved road way is cut perpendicular to the centerline $50.00 Per foot cut If a paved road way is cut other than perpendicular to the Centerline $100.00 (Cuts not perpendicular to the centerline require the repaving of all lanes cut to a distance at least ten feet beyond the cut in both directions parallel to the flow of traffic.) Work in the right of way that does not involve cutting a paved road $100.00 Renewal $50.00 ROAD SIGN-PRIVATE (Resolution 93-22) $125.00 ROADVACATION (Resolution93-22) $250.00 SIGN REMOVAL $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) VISA/CITIZEN/IMMIGRATION DOCUMENTS (Ordinance 92-24) WATER SATELLITE SYSTEM CHARGES: (Resolution 97-39) ANNUAL FEE (includes one sample) SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - BACTERIOLOGICAL SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - ALL OTHER WRITTEN REPORT TO ESCROW COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) $5.00 $5O.0O $35.00 Cost of test plus $25.00 ( Maximum $55.00) $10.00 PASSED by the City Council this 22nd. day of September, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor this 2 3 r d. day of September, 1999. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: ~per' c~'ity Cler/~k APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rod P. Kaseguma, City Attorney FILED WITH THE CITY. CLERK: July 21, 1999 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: September 22, PUBLISHED: September 29, 1999 EFFECTIVE DATE :September 23,1999 RESOLUTION No. 99-20 1999