RES NO. 2018-04 APPROVING THE RESERVE AT WINLSOW FINAL SUBDIVISIONThe Reserve at Winslow Final Plat PLN50622 FSUB Page 1 of 5 Department of Planning and Community Development Memorandum Date: March 14, 2018 To: Gary Christensen From: Kelly Tayara Project: The Reserve at Winslow Final Plat File Number: PLN 50622 FSUB Applicant: DeNova Northwest LLC 17837 1st Avenue South, PMB #2 Normandy Park, WA 98148 Request: Final approval of a 12-lot subdivision Location: 7340 and 7344 Finch Road. A portion of the SE ¼, NW ¼, Sec. 27, T. 25 N R. 2E, W.M. The Reserve at Winslow preliminary subdivision was approved by the Hearing Examiner on June 23, 2017, subject to the conditions below. The final plat application was reviewed in compliance with Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (BIMC 2.16.160): The City Engineer reviewed the final subdivision to determine compliance with the requirements of RCW 58.17.060 and recommends approval. The Kitsap Public Health District and Bainbridge Island Fire District reviewed the final subdivision and recommend approval. The Department of Planning and Community Development evaluated compliance with the conditions imposed on the preliminary subdivision and other applicable ordinances. As annotated in bold font, the conditions are satisfied, and final plat approval is recommended. SEPA Conditions 1. To mitigate recreation and transportation impacts, the plat applicant shall provide the following non- motorized access facilities: A. A non-motorized trail for the length of the north property boundary. 1) The trail shall be located within a 20 foot width public right-of-way or public access easement, at the applicant’s option. 2) The right-of-way or easement shall connect the Sportsman Club Road right-of-way to the northeast corner of the property. 3) The trail shall be constructed to provide not less than a six foot width for the western 375 foot length (i.e. the Open Space boundary). The Reserve at Winslow Final Plat PLN50622 FSUB Page 2 of 5 B. A southern non-motorized trail connection to Tract A 1) The trail shall provide connection between the south cul-de-sac and the open space tract. 2) The trail shall be located within a 10 foot width private access easement (i.e., serving only the subdivision lots), or within a public right-of-way or easement, at the applicant’s option. 3) The trail shall be constructed to provide not less than a five-foot width for the length of easement or right-of-way. C. The built trails shall provide a two-inch depth of 1/4 inch minus crushed rock over a four inch depth of 3/4 inch crushed rock or cinders, at a minimum D. The built trails shall consider Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility provisions for grade. The project provides non-motorized facilities for the length of the site’s north boundary along with connection between the cul-de-sac and Tract A. The trail facilities reflect minor changes from the preliminary plat that serve to enhance the trail facilities. The applicant has agreed to construct a trail connecting this plat with the Winslow Grove plat through separate agreement with City Council (Ordinance 2018-04), and minor changes in the trail facilities occurred to accommodate that agreement. Project Conditions 2. Except for modifications reflecting compliance with these conditions of approval, the final subdivision shall substantially conform to the plans date-stamped received on the following dates: Landscape plans October 25, 2016; Civil plans February 28, 2017; Preliminary plat sheets 2, 3 and 5 October 25, 2016 and sheets 1 and 4 May 4, 2017. The final plat substantially conforms to the preliminary plat with minor modifications through agreement with City Council, as recommended by the Department of Planning and Community Development and the applicant and as provided for in BIMC 2.16.060.H. 3. Prior to any construction activities, the applicant shall obtain the appropriate permits from the City of Bainbridge Island, including but not limited to clearing, grading and/or building permits. This condition is noted on the final plat. 4. The final plat shall comply with the following conditions of the Fire Marshal: A. The proposed project shall comply with all provisions of the adopted Fire Code. B. A fire flow test will be required prior to the issuance of any building permits. The flow test shall be conducted during a period of ordinary demand. The Fire Marshal recommends approval of the final short plat, and the condition is noted on the final plat. 5. The subdivision shall conform to the City of Bainbridge Island Design and Construction Standards, Surface and Stormwater Management regulations (BIMC 15.20 and 15.21) and the Stormwater Facilities Maintenance Program in accordance with the provisions of BIMC 2.16.070G(5). The applicant shall comply with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Reserve at Winslow Final Plat PLN50622 FSUB Page 3 of 5 A. Public and private improvements, facilities, and infrastructure, on and off the site, that are required for the subdivision, shall be completed and have final inspection and approval prior to final plat approval unless the City Engineer accepts an assurance device in lieu of completion. Installation of improvements is financially assured in lieu of completion, as approved by the City Engineer. B. The applicant shall provide the following improvements for final plat approval: 1) Every lot corner shall be staked by a three quarter-inch galvanized iron pipe or equivalent approved by the City, driven into the ground and marked or tagged with the certificate number of the surveyor setting said monument. The position and type of every permanent monuments shall be noted on the final plat. Perimeter and public street monuments shall be 24-inches and set in concrete or shall be constructed of an equivalent approved by the City. 2) As shown on the proposed plan, the proposed roadway shall meet the COBI Residential Suburban Street Standard, Drawing No 7-060 found in the COBI Design and Construction Standards and Specifications. 3) Binding water commitment for each lot shall be submitted with final plat application. Installation of improvements is financially assured, as approved by the City Engineer. C. Prior to final plat application and prior to any construction activity, the applicant shall obtain an approved Plat Utilities permit. Application for Plat Utilities shall include a civil plan as follows: 1) Documentation of application to the Department of Ecology for a General Stormwater Construction Permit. 2) Civil improvement plans prepared and stamped by a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington for all improvements required in these conditions of approval. 3) As-built civil construction plans stamped by a civil engineer shall be provided by the applicant prior to final plat; if installation of improvements is assured, as-built plans shall be provided prior to release of performance assurity. The applicant obtained an approved plat utilities permit on September 5, 2017. D. Maintenance of private on-site stormwater facilities is the responsibility of the lot owners. 1) A draft Declaration of Covenant for Stormwater System Operation and Maintenance shall be submitted with final plat application. 2) The Declaration shall observe the approved language in BIMC 15.21, Exhibit A. 3) A final Declaration approved by the City Engineer shall be recorded upon facility installation. This condition is noted on the final plat. E. The final plat application shall include the following: 1) Proof that a boundary line adjustment has been completed such that the property to the south of the subdivision (Parcel 028) includes the area shown on the preliminary plat map as “20’ Easement.” 2) Proof that the area originally shown as “20’ easement has in fact been transferred from the owner of the Reserve at Winslow to the owner of Parcel 28. 3) Proof that Parcel 028 has been connected to the public water system, and that the well on Reserve at Winslow property has been decommissioned. 4) Proof that any necessary utility easements have been executed. Provisions for maintenance The Reserve at Winslow Final Plat PLN50622 FSUB Page 4 of 5 of water lines, and any easements required to that end. 5) The final plat map shall show the plat as reconfigured after the boundary line adjustment, including the reconfigured lots and those improvements which are connected to and serve the parcel to the south (Parcel 28). The water main shall be located within the area transferred to Parcel 28 by boundary line adjustment and shall be shown as so located. 6) The face of the final plat shall show that density and lot area requirements are met by the reconfiguration following the boundary line adjustment. The face of the final plat shall note setback and lot coverage requirements. 7) The final plat shall reflect the elimination of any overlap between the driveway created for Lot 28 and the access easement for Lots 9 and 10 of the subdivision. A fence preventing access to Finch Road from the subdivision shall be built and this feature shall be shown on the final plat. The referenced Boundary Line Adjustment (City File No. PLN50622 BLA) is recorded and easement conditions resolved. The final plat depicts required dimensions, easements access and utilities and other features to the satisfaction of the City Survey Program Manager and in compliance with this condition. F. A right-of-way construction permit is required prior to any construction activities within the right- of-way; the permit is subject to separate conditions and bonding requirements. This condition is noted on the final plat. G. In accordance with the provisions of BIMC 2.16.020.N, the City Engineer may accept financial assurity in lieu of completion of improvements, in an amount and in a form determined by the City Engineer, but not exceeding 125 percent of the cost of completing the improvements. 1) Any such assurance device shall be in place prior to final plat approval, shall enumerate in detail the items being assured and shall require that all such items will be completed and approved by the City within one year of the date of final plat approval. 2) Upon completion and the City’s acceptance of facilities, the applicant shall provide an assurance device securing the successful performance of improvements. 3) While lots created by the subdivision may be sold, occupancy may not be allowed until the required improvements are formally accepted by the City. A prominent note on the face of the final plat shall state: “The lots created by this plat are subject to conditions of an assurance device held by the City for the completion of certain necessary facilities. Building permits may not be issued and/or occupancy may not be allowed until such necessary facilities are completed and approved by the City of Bainbridge Island. All purchasers shall satisfy themselves as to the status of completion of the necessary facilities.” The lots created by this plat are subject to conditions of an assurance device for completion of necessary facilities within one year of final plat approval; this is noted on the final plat. 6. If any historical or archaeological artifacts are uncovered during excavation or construction, work shall immediately stop and the Department of Planning and Community Development and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be immediately notified. Construction shall only continue thereafter in compliance with the applicable provisions of law. This condition is noted on the final plat. The Reserve at Winslow Final Plat PLN50622 FSUB Page 5 of 5 7. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall install low impact fencing as defined in BIMC along the west open space boundary of Tract A. Fencing is installed in compliance with this condition. 8. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall install three signs designed to provide protection for Open Space Tract A, and the stream and wetland within it, in accordance with BIMC and in a manner visible to those accessing the trail at the following locations: The northwest and northeast corners of Tract A; the southern trail at its intersection with the Tract A open space boundary. Signs are installed in compliance with this condition. 9. Open Space signage and fencing must be maintained in perpetuity and required locations of fencing and signage shall be noted on the face of the plat. This condition and the locations of signage and fencing are noted on the plat. 10. A final Open Space Management Plan (OSMP) shall be recorded with the final plat and the OSMP shall be referenced on the face of the plat. The final OSMP shall meet the requirements of BIMC 17.12. The final Open Space Management Plan shall be recorded with the final plat, complies with BIMC 17.12.030 and the final plat references the plan. 11. Allocated lot coverage reflecting the boundary line adjustment and meeting City requirements shall be shown on the face of the plat. The lot coverage allocation reflects the boundary line adjustment and is shown on the final plat. 12. The following setbacks shall be noted and depicted on the final plat: Building to building (on-site) Minimum 10 feet Building to exterior subdivision boundary line Minimum 15 feet Building to right-of-way (Sportsman and Finch) Minimum 50 feet Building to other streets (Internal right-of-way) Minimum 15 feet Building to Open Space Minimum 10 feet Building to Trail Minimum 10 feet Building to Roadside Landscape Buffer Minimum 10 feet This condition is noted on the final plat. 13. The plat shall provide a 25 foot width landscape buffer along the Finch and Sportsman Club rights-of- way. Prior to final plat approval, the buffer shall be planted to full-screen standard (BIMC 18.15.010.D.4) or planting assured as provided in BIMC 18.15.010.H. The buffer shall be maintained for the life of the project. The applicant shall save as many trees as possible on building lots 9 and 10. The landscape buffer is planted to full-screen standard and the conditions are noted on the final plat. 14. The following conditions shall be listed on the final plat. Conditions 1;3;4; applicable portions of 5;6 applicable portions of 8;9 and 10-13. The applicable conditions are noted on the final plat. T h e R e s e r v e a t W i n s l o w A E S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 T R A C T A ( O P E N S P A C E ) T R A C T B ( S T O R M W A T E R ) T h e R e s e r v e a t W i n s l o w A E S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 T R A C T A ( O P E N S P A C E ) T R A C T B ( S T O R M W A T E R ) T h e R e s e r v e a t W i n s l o w A E S ’ T h e R e s e r v e a t W i n s l o w A E S T h e R e s e r v e a t W i n s l o w A E S