RES NO. 2020-04 AMENDING FEE SCHEDULEPage 1 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-04 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, amending the City’s fee schedule to add a new fee for the new Temporary Construction Staging permit as established in Ordinance No. 2020-03 and to add a deposit for third party review of environmental reports and documents. WHEREAS, on July 14, 2020, the City Council discussed a related measure, Ordinance No. 2020-03 that, among other changes, adds a new land use, Temporary Construction Staging, including BIMC 18.09.030.J.2., which establishes use specific standards to the new temporary construction staging permit; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 2020-03 on July 28, 2020, and a fee is needed for the new temporary construction staging permit, and the City has determined that this new permit will require a similar amount of staff time and analysis as an existing permit, the “temporary parking lot permit,” which is similar in kind to this new permit; and WHEREAS, the City’s fee schedule needs to be updated to reflect a fee for the new temporary construction staging permit; and WHEREAS, BIMC 1.28.020.A.1. requires applicants to reimburse the City for all costs (plus 10 percent for administration) paid to engineers or consultants (including third party reviewers) that the City determines are necessary for processing applicable applications or performing any reviews or inspections in connection with such an application; and WHEREAS, BIMC 2.16.020.K. requires, with limited exceptions, applicants to pay fees and charges established by ordinance or resolution before a land use permit or approval is issued; and WHEREAS, the City is establishing through this resolution a deposit related to occurrences in which third party review is necessary for environmental reports and documents to ensure applicants pay for these services. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A new subsection entitled “Temporary Construction Staging Permit” is added to Section 9, Building and Planning Fees, of the City’s Fee Schedule, as follows: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING PERMIT $720.00 (Ordinance No. 2020-03, Resolution No. 2020-04) Section 2. Section 9, Building and Planning Fees, Critical Area Permit Fees, of the City’s Fee Schedule, last amended on March 27, 2018 by Resolution 2018-09, is hereby amended as follows: Page 2 of 4 CRITICAL AREA PERMIT FEES (Resolution Nos. 2006-50, 2008-01, and 2018-09, and 2020-04 Buffer Enhancement Plan Review $1,526.00 Critical Area Site Investigation Hourly Rate Critical Area Permit - Major $1,526.00 Critical Area Permit - Minor no fee Geologically Hazardous Area Third Party Geotechnical Review Deposit $2,500.00 (An additional deposit is required when the estimated third party review cost will exceed previous deposits. Final balance of any unpaid geotechnical review service fees are due prior to issuance of building permits.) Environmental Report/Document Third Party Review Deposit $3,500.00 Environmental Reports/Documents may include, but are not limited to: - Habitat Management Plans - Buffer Enhancement Plans - Wetland Critical Areas Reports - Wetland Mitigation Plans - Aquifer Recharge Protection Area (ARPA) Stewardship Plans (This deposit is required only when the Director has determined that third party review is necessary. An additional deposit is required when the estimated third party review cost will exceed previous deposits. Final balance of any unpaid review service fees are due prior to issuance of permits.) Reasonable Use Exception Single Family Residence $3,816.00 All Other $6,106.00 Critical area restoration and enhancement projects not required as project mitigation and meeting the criteria of BIMC 16.20.040.B.2 shall not be charged fees by the City for pre- application meetings, permit applications, or other review and authorization processes; provided, that this shall not apply to fees for the appeal of City decisions. Section 3. Section 9, Building and Planning Fees, Shoreline Permits, of the City’s Fee Schedule, last amended on November 27, 2018 by Resolution 2018-35, is hereby amended as follows: SHORELINE PERMITS (Resolution Nos. 2006-50, and 2010-09, 2018-35 and 2020-04 Buoy (Programmatic Review) $450.00 Shoreline Exemption without SEPA $572.00 Shoreline Exemption with SEPA $1,908.00 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit $6,869.00 Page 3 of 4 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for Enlargement of Existing Structure $4,579.00 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit $8,014.00 Shoreline Conditional Use Permit for Enlargement of Existing Structure $5,342.00 Shoreline Variance: Administrative $5,724.00 Full process (Hearing Examiner) $8,014.00 Shoreline Clearing Permit $180.00 (Not applicable to removals of hazard trees as determined by an ISA TRAQ Arborist) Environmental Report/Document Third Party Review Deposit $3,500.00 Environmental Reports/Documents may include, but are not limited to: - Habitat Management Plans - Mitigation Plans, Monitoring Plans, & Monitoring Reports - Violation Mitigation/Restoration Plans (An additional deposit is required when the estimated third party review cost will exceed previous deposits. Final balance of any unpaid review service fees are due prior to issuance of permits.) Fish and wildlife habitat restoration and enhancement projects within the jurisdiction of the City’s Shoreline Management Master Program and meeting the criteria in WAC 173- 27-040(2)(o) and (p) shall not be charged fees by the City for pre-application meetings, permit applications, or other review and authorization processes; provided, that this subsection shall not apply to fees for the appeal of City decisions. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED by the City Council this 28th day of July, 2020. APPROVED by the Mayor this 28th day of July, 2020. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Page 4 of 4 FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: July 9, 2020 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: July 28, 2020 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-04