RES 2004-34 2004 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE REGULATIONSRESOLUTION 2004-34 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, establishing a process and schedule for adopting revisions to development regulations and other necessary implementing ordinances for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update, Ordinance 2004-09 as these relate to the requirements of the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.130). WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A, requires that each city planning under GMA take action to review and, if needed, revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure the plan and regulations comply with the requirements of the GMA; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW36.70A.130 requires that the City of Bainbridge Island conduct this compliance review by December 1, 2004, and every seven years thereafter; and WHEREAS, the City initiated the GMA update process in 2000 to review, and if needed, revise the comprehensive plan to address changes in local and regional conditions and state or federal laws since the original plan was adopted in 1994; and WHEREAS, the City developed a review and update process for the GMA required update, including public participation, and involving three phases: Phase One — Information Gathering — May -October 2000, which included a community values survey conducted by Pacific Rim Resources, Inc. entitled Bainbridge Island Community Values Survey Report, July 10, 2000 and a staff analysis of the Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances entitled Staff Review 2000; and Phase Two — Analysis — November 2000- January 2001, which included a steering committee review of the results from the community survey and staff review to determine the level of review necessary, and agreement that public comment in writing and at Planning Commission meetings should be an important component of the review process and direction to the Planning Commission to begin their review; and Phase Three — Recommended Action — January 2001- December 2004 Planning Commission Recommendation - January 2001 -March 2004, during which, over a series of 51 study sessions, 9 public hearings and 2 open house/workshops, the Planning Commission formed their recommendation considering public comment, and City Council Committee and City Council Recommendation — March 2004 — December 2004, which included a series of public meetings and hearing; and WHEREAS, in May, 1992, the Kitsap Regional Planning Council, made up of elected officials of the county, cities, and tribes of Kitsap County, adopted the county -wide planning policies pursuant to GMA, to be used as a framework from which county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted; and 1 WHEREAS, in coordination with the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (formerly Kitsap Regional Planning Council), in which the City participates, the Kitsap County County- wide Planning Policies were amended and the City ratified the revised policies; and WHEREAS, as required by the GMA, consistency with the county -wide policies, as amended in 2003, was considered in the revision of the City's Comprehensive Plan update; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council considered other amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that were submitted as part of the 2003 and 2004 annual amendment process, reviewing them for consistency with the revisions proposed in the GMA update, including amendments proposed in Ordinance 2004-25 that amend Light Manufacturing policies in the Land Use and Economic Elements and amendments proposed in Ordinance 2004-26 that include the annual update to the six -Year Capital Facilities Financing Plan; and WHEREAS, upon completion of the three phase review and public participation process, the City Council has identified certain amendments that are necessary to meet the Growth Management Act requirements of RCW 36.70A, or other applicable laws identified in draft ordinance 2004-09 and intends to adopt Ordinance 2004-09 in mid-December, 2004, after the December 1, 2004 state mandated deadline; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Office of Financial Management provided a 20 -year population forecast for Kitsap County in January of 2002, but Kitsap County has not yet finalized the population distribution for the county, including the City of Bainbridge Island WHEREAS, the City will re-evaluate the comprehensive plan in 2005 upon adoption of Ordinance 2004-09 and upon receiving and accepting the official 20 -year population allocation for the year 2025 for the City of Bainbridge Island; and WHEREAS, upon adoption of the revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and in compliance with the GMA requirements of RCW 36.70A, the City intends to process a number of implementing ordinances that relate to revised goals and policies of the plan; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70A.130and 36.70A.172, requires that the City review and update the critical areas ordinance with best available science by December 1, 2004; and WHEREAS, in 2002, the City initiated the GMA review and update of the adopted critical areas ordinance, Chapter 16.20 of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code, for conformity with best available science; and WHEREAS, the City developed a review and update process for the GMA required ordinance amending critical areas regulations, including public participation, involving public meetings and workshops with the Land Use Committee of the City Council drafting the amendments proposed in Ordinance 2004-23 and held a public hearing before the City Council on November 17, 2004; and 2 WHEREAS, the City Council anticipates adopting the proposed revisions to the critical area ordinance, contained in Ordinance 2004-23 in January, 2005 ; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, hereby sets forth the following process and schedule for completion of the review of development regulation amendments necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan amendments proposed in Ordinance 2004-09 in compliance with the GMA update: Development Regulation Amendments Process Components of the process will include public participation, which includes soliciting public input on compliance issues to be analyzed and opportunities for public testimony on prepared amendments; review and analysis of associated development regulations; environmental review pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act; public hearing and recommendations from the Planning Commission, as required; Council Committee and City Council review, including at least one public hearing and final adoption of ordinances; and submittal of adopted ordinances with findings to the, Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. meat Regulations Amendments Schedule Building Code/ Noise Environmental Review and revise as Planning/Building March 2005 as regulations Element Policies necessary indoor air part of Phase IV (BIMC 15.04/16.16 AT 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 quality requirements and Code noise regulations for Amendments compliance with policies Vegetation Management Environmental Revise language to address Planning March 2005 as Ordinance (BIMC Element policies change in Forest Practices part of Phase IV 16.22) FP 4 and FP 4.2 Act as it relates to ALTC Code or "Area Likely To Amendments Convert" Stormwater Water Resources Update the stormwater Public Works May 2005 Management Ordinance Element Policies management standards in (BIMC 15.20 & 15.21) WR 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 compliance with policies & 2.5, SD 1.1 including encouraging the through 1.8, PE use of low impact 1.1, 1.2 & 1.4 development standards. Non -motorized Transportation Include non -motorized Planning/Public March 2005 as transportation facility Element Policies facility requirements in Works part of the Phase requirements (BIMC TR 9 and TR 9.2 permit review and include IV Code 18.105, 18.108 & 18.81) bicycle parking standards Amendments. 3 Siting Essential Public Facilities Land Use Element: Policy PF 1.1 through PF 2.2 Develop regulatory process for essential public facilities in compliance with Plan policies, County -wide polices and state law. Planning March 2005 as part of Phase IV Code Amendments Master Plan Land Use Element Revise code language to Planning March 2005 as Development Policy LM 2.1 allow property owners part of Phase IV regulations (BIMC within the 35 -acre LM Code 18.125) Zoned property that is Amendments subject to the MPD to submit individually. Affordable Housing Housing Element Revise affordable housing Planning/ Executive October 2005 Program including Policies H1.6, program components. This will be part of a requirements of BIMC H4.1, H 5.3, & larger review of the 18.90 H5.4 Affordable Housing Program and recommendations from the Affordable Housing Task Force. PASSED by the City Council this 23rd day of November 2004. APPROVED by the Mayor this 24`h day of November 2004. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE : 'L".. - A:� S san P. Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NUMBER: arlene Kordonowy, Mayor November 18, 2004 November 23, 2004 2004-34 4