RES 2000-13 NOT TO IMPOSE SIX YEAR FOREST PRACTICE ACT MORATORIUM ON THE KLAUSEN PARCELResolution No. 00 - 13 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, not imposing a six-year Forest Practice Act development moratorium on a parcel owned by Michael and Sheila Klausen on Komedal Road. WHEREAS, Michael and Sheila Klausen are the owners of parcel number 332602-3-057- 2001 located on the east of Komedal Road and west of State Highway 305; and WHEREAS, the property was harvested under a Class 11 forest practice permit (09- 23896)•dated June 10/95; and WHEREAS, The application for a Class II forest practices permit states that the applicant proposes an ordinary timber harvest and reforestation project and the applicant does not intend to improve or develop the property within three years; and WHEREAS, by letter to the Land Use Committee dated March 10, 2000, Michael and Sheila Klausen requested that the City Council provide a written confirmation regarding the City of Bainbridge Island's intent to impose a Forest Practice Act development moratorium; and WHEREAS, based on the consideration that the City did not have a Conversion Option Harvest process in 1995 and the harvest was a partial cut that would have met the standards of the vegetation management program (BIMC Chapter 16.22), the City Council does not desire to place a six-year development moratorium on any or all applications for development permits or approvals for this parcel; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, that the City shall not impose a six-year moratorium on any or all development permits or approvals for the Klausen parcels pursuant to forest practice permits issued for this parcel on June 10, 1995 (permit number N-09-23896). - PASSED by the City Council this nth day of April, 2000. APPROVED by the Mayor this 2 7 t h day of April, 2000. DwigU Sutton, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: (? k'J' S san P. Kasper, City Clerk PASSED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 19, 2000 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 26, 2000 RESOLUTION NO.: 2000-13 FPA Ni�bst t FOREST PRACTICES L APPLICATION/NOTIFICATION P" OCESS AND CONDMONS Date Received: Review Comments Due: Final Due Date: Shutdown Zone: -5-�5 c� NAME OF OPERATOR NAME TIMBER OWNER LANDOWNER \NAME `OF 1OF SUBDIVISION SECTION (a) TWP Nth RGE 8/W CLASS OF APPLICATION CLASS 11 CLASS II ❑ ❑ CLASS CLASS Type of Operation Acres / Miles C._C_ � ❑ CLASS IV -S Mai EM APPLICATION APPROVED CONDITIONS O TSIS APPLICATION / NOTIFICATION 4y THIS. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TCj: ❑ Hydraulics P ax Approval J Shorsiu= Mamgem m Act ❑ Envvm m mk Checklist Camakmd FPA Farm Map ❑ Addi mrW Condam a Auachad ❑ Other APPROVAL CONDITIONS: LANDOWNER IS ADVISED THAT THE COUNTY/CITY MAY PLACE A SIX YEAR MORATORIUM ON ALL BUILDING b DEVELOPMENT PERMITS SINCE THIS SITE IS BEING LOGGED AS A FORESTRY OPERATION. AGVI3 :f) N )T ATIVE UNTIL flV2 BELOW CITY OF • BAINBRID 1E ISLAND MAR 5 0 2000 DEPT. OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ❑ PRS -FILE Rzvnw COMPLSTB ❑ APPLICATION INCOMPLETE APPLICATION COMPLETE ❑ APPLICATION ON HOLD ❑ APPLICATION DISAPPROVED DEPARTMENT OF NA � RESOURCES SIGNATURE: II TITLE: / DATE: ( INTI71U.: REGION: A CY COPIES SENT FINAL COPIES SENT: EFFECTIVE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: COPIES mmit 8UTED TO: (�--:1- P FORESTER AFFECTED INDIAN TRIBE: AFFECTED INDIAN TRIBE: AFFECTED INDIAN TRIBE: FORM DNR QQ - 27 (5-93) /' kmor.Y 2rfismm --3-WltDLiFE OTHERS: �� �C— LOCAL GOVERNMENT: ,�v AQ OTHERS: O �\ LOCAL GOV`ERNMEN'T: - OTTERS: `—' LOCAL GOVERNMENT: :tiASWNGTON STtCE DEPARTMUti; C"' Natural Resources FOREST PRACTICES APPLICATION 1 NOTIFICATION I. GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION FPA NLJNISEfi: R1t115:: Payment ID# REFER TO THE INSTRUCTIC'.S 'J ASSIST :N THE COMPLETION OF THIS FORM. TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT INK. 1. FULL LEGAL NAME AND 1 OR 2. FULL LEGAL NAME AND/ OR 3. FULL LEGAL NAME AND /OR COMPANY .' DIVISION NAME OF LANDOWNER COMPANY / DIVISION NAME OF TIMBER OWNER COMPANY/DIVISION NAME OF OPERATOR f a < _ _3ht, A tx, t �; i d W/4- BUSINESS ADDRESS `��ll v BUSINESS ADDRESS BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP J40 we, PHONE: ) 7 a I PHONE: ( ) 7, Cj ^ U PHONE: P66 1 Uni d Business Identifier for SSN X) UBI Unified Busines Identifier for SSN +) ( UBI (I Unified Business Identifier for SSN zf -31 55N SSN r ( _ _ E5N 4. TYPE OF LEGAL ENTITY TYPE OF LEGAL ENTITY TYPE OF LEGAL ENTITY ( I CORPORATION (( SOLE PROPRIE-:= (► CORPORATION ( I SOLE PROPRIETOR ( I CORPORATION JeSOLE F=: = E_TOR (I PARTNERSHIP (I PARTNERSHIP Q (1 PARTNERSHIP N OTHER (specify): / (BOTHER (specify): 1 OTHER (specify): 5. FOREST TAX REPORTING ACCOUNT NUMBER: [�' O Y2_-91 1 E. WYES 31 NO - IS THE OPERATION WITHIN CITY LIMITS? For tax reporting informatics; or v numbers ca!l 1 -800.548 -V829 - NAME -800-548-V829. NAME OF CITY(s): 7. ( 1 YES ["0 - IS THE OPERATION WITHIN A PUBLIC PARK? If yes, an Environmental Checklist is requirea. [ 1 YES ["0 - IS THE OPERATION WITHIN 500 FEET OF A PUBLIC PARK? 8 a. NAME OF PARK: LEGAL SUB -DIVISION OF OPERATION(S): SUB -DIVISION (1/4, 1/4) SECTION TWP RANGE (E)(W) P-(` y w Yq P -d -F -1 r 3 3 61' sui( Sr a) c� 8 b. PARCEL OR LOT NUMBE PARCEL CR TAX LOT NUMBER(S) _C) 9. ( 1 YES WNO - WAS THE LAND PLATTED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1960 (INCLUDING SHORT PLATS)? (You May Contact County Assessor for Verification). If Yes, Environmental Checklist Is Required. 10. [ 1 YES [VNO - LANDOWNER INTENDS TO CLEAR, IMPROVE OR DEVELOP LAND WITHIN THREE YEARS? NOTE: 1. If yes, attach a completed Environmental Checklist. 2. A local government clearing and/or grading permit may be required. 3. See the instructions for more Information relating to conversions. THE FOLLOWING IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR INFORMATION: If the Forest Practices Application or Notification does not state th there is an intent to convert the forest land to non -forestry uses the county, city, town or regional governments may deny a permits or approvals for conversion to non -forestry land uses for a period of six (6) years from the date of the application notification. See the instructions under item # 10, and regulations, including but not limited to, RCW 76.09.060, RCW 76.09.170(7), WAC 222-20-010, WAC 222-20-040 and 222-20-050. 11. ( 1 YES [%AD - DO YOU HAVE AN APPROVED CONVERSION OPTION HARVEST PLAN (CORP)? If yes, include a copy of the approved plan. NOTE: Not all Local Governments issue COHP's. (For FPA Fee Information see the Instructions) FORM DNR QQ-19 0-95) II. WATER SECTION All work within Type 1-3 Waters will reoulre a Hydraulics Project Aooroval (HPA). Work wftnfn Type 4-5 Waters may reaurse HPA. Completion of this section will serve as your reouest for an HPA from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. if vcu operating within 200 feet of a Type 1 or 1 — Water, contact the local government for shoreline management information. 12. ( 1 YES Kf NO - WILL THERE BE ANY ACTIVITIES THAT WILL BE WITHIN OR OVER THE ORDINARY HIGH WAT MARK OF ANY WATER? (If you will not be working In or above any typed water, go to question 1 If YES, check (./I the activities you will be eoing in each type of water. The location of all culverts and bridges must be sn-c, on the base map. Culvert Base Map Information must include culvert diameter. Bridge location Information must show %vne- the bridge is temporary or permanent. iFor Water Type Information see WAC 222-16-030. 13 ( ) YES ( ) NO - Are all waters shown on the Base Map. (If No, please show ail unmarked water locations.) Water TYoe (A) Road Const. (8) Water Crossing Cl Falling & Buccing 01 Cable Yaroing IEI Susoena,ng Cables Over Water (F) Ground Skidding (Skidder or Tracton (G) 0Qerate Other Equipment (H) p) Apply Other Activity Chemicals (Show under question 29) B 2 3 4 I I I 5 I� I [ I YES [40 - WILL THERE BE ANY ACTIVITIES WITHIN 200 FEET OF A TYPE 1 - 3 WATERS? FEET If Yes, how close? (Measure all distances horizontally.) Show the location of all Riparian Management Zones (RMZs) on the Base Map. (See WAC Chapter 222-30.1 14. [ ) YES [6NO WILL THERE BE ANY ACTIVITIES WITHIN 25 FEET OF TYPE 4.5 WATERS? 15. [ ) YES VNO ARE YOU AWARE OF ANY WATER INTAKES IN YOUR UNIT OR WITHIN 1/2 MILE DOWNSTREAM OF,THIS OPERATION? 16. [ ) YES (NO - WILL YOU BE REMOVING TREES WITHIN THE MAXIMUM WIDTH RIPARIAN MANAGEMENT ZO! (For maximum Width Riparian Zone Information see WAC 222-30-020(3) and (4).) (For Information Relatina to Shade. Requirements see W"-.0 -22-30-040.) 17. 18. 2 III. WETLAND SECTION [ ) YES (�NO - DO WETLANDS EXIST INSIDE OR WITHIN 200 FEET (horizontally) OF YOUR PROPOSED FOR1 PRACTICES BOUNDARY? (If wenancis do not exist within or around this application go to Section IV.) If YES, show the location and classification of all Wetlands and Wetland Management Zones on the Base Map, and ( /I the appropriate squares in the following table describing your work within a Wetland or Wetland Management Z (For wetland typing Information see WAC 222-16-035.) Wetland Type (A) (B) Road Water Constr. Crossing IC) Falling & Bucking IDI (E) (F) (G) Cable Suspending Ground Operate Yarding Cables Over Skidding Other Wetlands (Skidder or Equipment Tractor) (H) 111 Apply Other Chemicals (Show under question 29) A B Forested []YES. (40 - WILL YOUR PROJECT BE FILLING OR DRAINING A WETLAND? ( ACRES) If Yes, how many acres will you be filling or draining? (Enter acreage to the nearest 1/10 acre A mitjgation plan and a SEPA checklist must accompany this application if you are filfin draining more than 112 acre of any wetland. FORM ONR QQ-19 IV. ROAD SECTION 19. [ I YES (VO - IS THERE ANY ROAD WORK OR ROCK PIT DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS APPLICAI Ilf YES, complete all blocks that apply and LABEL EACH TYPE SEPARATELY ON MAP.) III you will not Ce doing any involving roans go to Section V.) TYPE OF ACTIVITY TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH OF STEEPEST SIDE IN FEET ENDHAULOVERHAUL SLOPE ROAD ESTIMATED VOLUME TO BE HARVESTED (no sidecasn CROSSES AFTER CONSTRUCTION (in percents Show All Locations On Mao ` NEW ROAD CONSTRUC—'ON (in MBF) EXISTING ROAD RECCNSTRUCTION (For Harvest Type information EXISTING ROAD MAINTE74ANCE [ I ROAD ABANDONMENT '0-ovide a Detailed Plan) see 'Even -aged Harvest" [ I ROCK PIT'OEVELOPMENT I Inal ate Pit Locations on Mao. Show timber harvest vo umes and acreaoe in question 20. -V. TIMBER HARVEST SECTION 20. (YES [ I NO - WILL YOU BE HARVESTING TIMBER AS A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL? (If YES. complete all blocks that apply and show on map.) (If you will not be harvesting tlmoer as a part of this proposal, g Section VI.) UNIT - TYPE OF HARVEST •(Even -ages. Uneven -aged Salvageanaior TREES PER ACRE REMAINING METHOD OF HARVEST ACRES (per PERCENT OF VOLUME TO BE CUT ESTIMATED VOLUME TO BE HARVESTED Right of Wavi AFTER (Ground Cable. Highlead. type of HARVEST Skyline. Shovel. Rubber Tired harvest) (in MBF) (For Harvest Type information Skidder, Tracked Skidder. see 'Even -aged Harvest" (Only count Animal, Helicopter or Balloon.) under trees that meet WAC 222-16.010, the reauirements under Even-aaeo Show the location of each harvest in WAC harvest type an Wao. 222-16.0101 I • For even -aged harvests, provide surrounding stand information on the base map as required under WAC 222-30-025. See Instructions. 21. [ 1 YES t?"NO - WILL YOU BE HARVESTING TIMBER OR LEAVING TREES WITHIN TWO TREE LENGTHS OF E OVERHEAD POWER LINES? (If yes, the applicant needs to notify the appropriate Power Company.) 22. INDICATE HOW THE FOLLOWING WILDLIFE TREES WILL BE LEFT: (Check all that applyl • See WAC 222-30-020 (1 11 for Wildlife Reserve Tree, Green Recruitment Tree and Down Log leave requiremen- WILDLIFE RESERVE TREES GREEN RECRUITMENT TREES [ 1 YES [ 1 NO - CLUMPED (Show on Map) [ j YES I 1 NO - CLUMPED (Show on Map) N YES [ 1 NO - EVENLY DISTRIBUTED (Throughout Unit) ()Q YES [ 1 NO - EVENLY DISTRIBUTED (Throughout Ur NOTE: WAC 222-30-020(11) requires that 2 down logs per acre be left in areas where green recruitment trees are requi 23.x)4( 1 YES [ 1 NO - WILL YOU BE LEAVING A DOUBLE -WIDE RMZ(s) FOR GREEN -UP? (For Western Washington O INDICATE DOUBLE -WIDE RMZ LOCATION(s) ON MAP 24. REFORESTATION METHOD: Reforestation is required for lands harvested after January 1, 1975 as shown unit WAC 222-34-010 (West of Cascades Summit), or WAC 222-34-020 (East of Cascades Summit). [A PLANTING (Species: �Q ) [ f NATURAL (Applicant must submit a Reforestation Plan -dee Instructions.) [ I REFORESTATION NOT REQUIRED under WAC 222-34-010, 222-34-020 or 222-34-050. FORM ONR OQ-19 (1-95) 25 26 VI. CHEMICAL APPLICATION SECTION i I YES [jKN0 THIS FOREST PRACTICE INVOLVES THE APPLICATION OF PESTICIDES OR FERTILIZER? If YES, answer the questions below.) (If no. go to Section VII.) I I FERTILIZER APPLICATION - ACRES l application locations on the Base Map.. For fertilizer applications answer question 28 and.shw [ I PESTICIDE TREATMENT - ACRES f ) - For pesticide applications answer questions 26 27 and 26, an indicate areas to be treated on the Base ap. escribe in the "General Description Section", the purpose of the pesticid treatment(s) you are proposing. LIST THE EPA REGISTRATION NUMBERS. TRADE NAMES, AND RATES OF APPLICATION FOR ALL CHEMICAL PROPOSED, INCLUDING ALL ADJUVANTS. EPA EG. No. Trade Name of Chemical Application Rate of Active Ingredient Per Acre Unit of Measure 27. / YES [ I NO - WILL THIS PESTICIDE BE USED UNDER A DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENTAL US PE��CAL PERMIT? If yes, include a copy of the Experimental Use Permit. 28. INFORMATION CONTACT PERSON PHONE # 1 1 (Additional information may be required for activities relating tot the application of pesticI es.) VII. GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION, 29. Provide any details that will give a better and standing of your project. SQ e l f, I e rc� J1 7 , e _ — D THE FOLLOWING IS PROVIDED FOR -YOUR INFORMATION: RCW 76.09.220 (8) provides anv aggrieved person the right to appeai the aoprovai or oisaoprovai of a forest Practices application. RCW 43.21C.075 Provides a, aggrieved person the right to acoeai issues arising under the State Environmental Policv Act. Appeais must be filed within 30 days of the approval or disaoprovai Of t forest Practices application. Aopeais must be filed with the FOREST PRACTICES APPEALS BOARD. PO BOX 40903. 4224 -6th Ave SE Bldg ir2. Lacev, WA 98504-090 Appeais must be filed in writino on the form required in Title 223-08. Coneurrentiv with filing of the Forest Practices Appeals Board. copies of the appeals must also filed with the OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR. DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. 1111 Washington St SE. 4th Floor Natural resources Bldg., PO BOX 47001, Olympia WA 98504-7001, and with the ATTORNEY GENERAL. PO BOX 40100, OLYMPIA, WA 98504-0100. Compliance with this application/ notification does not ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act,.or other federa state, or local laws. SIGNATURE BLOCKS We affirm that the information contained herein is true, and understand that this proposed Forest Practice is subject to tt current rules and regulations of the forest practices act, as well as any applicable Federal, State or Local rules and regulation: LANDOWNER re: Date of Landowner Signature: 2 TIMBER OWNER I OPERA Signature: , ,„ (Signature: Print: Erintr `��g,.j� k1�'� i Date of Timber Owner Signature: Date of Operator .Signature: 4&C-A� 2tk,.�,f I / o cs-- 6 X; I9t FORM ONR QQ-19 0- FOREST 'PRACTICE BASE MAP - T 0 W N S H I P 26 NORTH, RANGE 02 EAST ( W . M SECTION 33 APPLICATION SCALE 0 in 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 FEET 1 We rico iq MAP DATE Apra 111995 CONTOUR INTERVAL: 40 Feet LEGEND: See Instructions NAD 27 DISCLAIMER: See Legend SEC.TWP,RGE CONTROL NO TP NAME DESCRIPTION LOCATION WATER SOURCE 33 26 020E G1 -*1108801 G1*11088C DS W2NW4NW4 SE4 WELL 33 26 020E G1--2292001 G1 -22920C DM SW4NW4 WELL 33 26 020E G1--2305901 G1 -23059C DM SW4NW4 WELL 33 26 020E G1--2452901 G1 -24529C DM NW4NW4 WELL 33 26 020E S1 -*1238901 S1*12389CAL IR NE4NE4 UNN STR 33 26 020E S1 -*1450701 S1*14507C IR N2 SE4 NE4 UNN POND 33 26 020E S1 -*1751001 S1*17510C IR NE4NE4SW4 UNN STR 33 26 020E 07-KP00100 07ALERT LOC/CODE TRIBUTARY TO: 18 18 18 18 18 PUGET SOUND 18 18 18