RES 2002-17 WYCKOFF/EAGLE HARBOR SUPERFUND SITE PUBLIC PARK FUNDINGi RESOLUTION NO* 2002 —17 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, relating to funding for public par k acquisition of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor 'Superfund Site. WHEREAS on August 29, 1994, in settling the dispute over clean up of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superf nid Site and Wyckoff Company West Seattle 'site, the United States District Court, Western District of Washington i at Seattle, issued a Consent Decree for Civil Action No C94-687, requiring the transfe of ownership rights from Pacific Sound Resources to the Pacific Sound Resources (PS ) Environmental Trust, and obligating the PSR Environmental Trust to liquidate assets and distribute the proceeds to g g the US Hazardous Substance Superfund Trust and other plaintiffs in accordance with the approved Consent Decree and accompanying documents; and WHEREAS in February 2000, the Environmental Protection Agency adopted a Record of Decision for the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency hos expended public funds of more than 20 million dollars and expects to expend an additional 50 million dollars of public funds for thermal clean u of contamination resulting 6.om past business practices at the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site; and WHEREAS given the cost to the general public in gleaning this site, it is in the � best interest of the people of the United States to carefully consider the feasibility of p ublic ownershipof the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund sits; and WHEREAS, directly adjacent to the W ckof/Ea le uPer fund site and including portions of the western property, an historic event took place during World War II on p p Taylor Avenue and the former site of the Eagledale dock in *hick our community, s Japanese Americans departed Bainbridge Island for internment camps and became the first of over 100,000 people to be evacuated and interned; an4 WHEREAS on May 9, 2002 the City passed a resolution Supporting public acquisition of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site; and WHEREAS, in June 2001 the City formed the Wyckoff Acquisition Task Force (WATF)to identify fundingopportunities for acquisition of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor - Superfund site for public park purposes; and WHEREAS in March 2002 the PSR Environmental T rust and the City commissioned an appraisal of the 50 -acre Wyckoff Superfund site, which concluded that the value of the site is 8 million dollars; and WHEREAS Congressional and Senatorial representa Ives from the State of Washington, through U. S. House Bill # HR 3747 and Senate ill #S 1959 are. proposing funding for a National Parks Service study for national memorial status of the Japanese American departure site which includes portions of the Wyckc1 f(Eagle Harbor Superfund s y right-of-way site and Taylor Avenue ht -of -way on Bainbridge Island; anal g WHEREAS in seeking US Congressional support fo public park acquisition, it �' � is in the best interest of the City and Bainbridge Island Park Od Recreation District to show local support through local funding sources including City funds, grant opportunities and private donations; and the intent of the Ci to dedicate the ark to the memory of the WHEREAS, �t �s City p late Joel Pritchard for his 30 -plus years of public service to thi s state and nation, his commitment to environmental protection, his close ties to Bai bridge Island and finally for his belief in bipartisanship and coalition building, both of which are necessary to p p p establish a public ark at this formerly degraded waterfront sife; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE �SLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City seeks US Congressional financial support for public park acquisition of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund site, commits staff resources over the next two years to pursue local matching acquisition funds of 3 million dollars from a variety of funding sources, including grants and City open space funds and supports public/private partnerships for the acquisition. 5ection 2. The City will partner with the Bainbridge island Park and Recreation District in seeking grant funding including but not limited to �he following sources: • Aquatic Land Enhancement Account (Washington State Department of Natural Resources); • Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (Washington S.tate IAC) • Land and Water Conservation Funds (Clean Water Act); • Bainbridge Island Open Space Bonds (City bf Bainbridge Island); • Salmon Recovery Funding Board (ESA) Section 3. Final purchase of the site is subject to the site being certified by the Environmental Protection Agency as clean and free of haardous materials harmful to human health, as appropriate under the Superfund Program. �,, I PASSED by City the Ci Council this 26th day of June, 2002. APPROVED y PROVED b the Mayor this 27th day of June, 200. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Susan Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Darlene Kordono1 June 21, 2002 June 26, 2002 2002-17 3