RES 2005-11 K.C. MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION PLANRESOLUTION NO. 2005-11 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of 'Bainbridge Island, Washington, adopting the revised Kitsap County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan. WHEREAS, the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires that all local organizations (governmental, tribal and not -for -profits), have an approved local mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6 prior to receiving Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG) funding; and WHEREAS, the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management and several other agencies have revised the Kitsap County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan of 1999; and WHEREAS, the plan has been updated to be in compliance with the Disaster Mitigation Act 2000 and in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6; and WHEREAS, the Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan contains Hazard Mitigation Strategy Goals and Objectives and proposed strategies and actions to reduce short and long term vulnerability to the identified hazards; and WHEREAS, the Plan shall not necessarily imply advocacy of, or support for, individual mitigation initiatives proposed by other participating organizations, and the adoption of the plan shall be subject to limitations as defined in the Plan; and WHEREAS, the plan has been updated through a public process and with input of the City of Bainbridge Island; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Plan Adopted. The revised Kitsap County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan — December 2004 is adopted by the Bainbridge Island City Council. PASSED by the City Council this 9th day of February , 2005. APPROVED by the Mayor this 10th day of February , 2005. Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Sfisan P. Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 8, 2005 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: February 9, 2005 RESOLUTION NO.: 2005-11 KITSAP COUNTY WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MULTI -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN DECEMBER 2004 KITSAP COUNTY MULTI -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgements................................................................................ 1 ExecutiveSummary ................................................................................................. 4 SECTION ONE: Introduction I. Definition of Hazard Mitigation................................................................ 5 II. Purpose of Plan................................................................................... 5 III. Planning Process................................................................................. 5 IV. Legal Authority.................................................................................... 10 V. Plan Maintenance................................................................................ 11 SECTION TWO: Process I. Risk Assessment................................................................................ 13 II. Hazard Mitigation Process for Kitsap County ............................................. 14 SECTION THREE: Strategies & Recommendations - PRIORITY ONE CAT I: Flood Mitigation Strategies............................................................... 22 CAT II: Severe Storms Mitigation Strategies...................................................: 25 CAT III: Land Shift Mitigation Strategies.......................................................... 27 CAT IV: Earthquake Mitigation Strategies....................................................... 31 CAT V: Drought Mitigation Strategies............................................................. 42 CAT VI: Tsunami Mitigation Strategies........................................................... 45 CAT VII: Terrorism and Civil Disorder Mitigation Strategies .................................. 51 CAT VIII: Multi -Hazard Mitigation Strategies...................................................... 54 CAT IX: Multi -Hazard Public Education Programs Mitigation Strategies ................. 56 CAT X: Fire Mitigation Strategies..............................................................•••• 59 Priority One Identified Cost Breakdown.............................................................. 62 DECEMBER 2004 i KITSAP COUNTY MULTI -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN SECTION FOUR: Strategies & Recommendations - PRIORITY TWO CAT I: Flood Mitigation Strategies................................................................64 CAT II: Severe Storms Mitigation Strategies....................................................65 CAT III: Land Shift Mitigation Strategies...........................................................65 CAT IV through VII: (none)..............................................................................65 CAT VII: Multi -Hazard Mitigation Strategies.......................................................65 CATIX through X: (none)...............................................................................65 SECTION FIVE: Future Actions & Goals I. Summary ............................................................................................66 II. Future Actions.............................................................................:.......66 III. Long Term Goals and Strategies.............................................................67 IV. Glossary of Terms................................................................................68 APPENDIX A Public Notification — Public Invitation to Give Input to the Plan Public Notification — Web Page Information Public Notification — Participating Agencies' Public Meeting Records Participating, Agencies' Resolutions Kitsap County Mitigation Planning Committee Meeting Records APPENDIX B Hazard Mitigation Plan Maps Geologically Hazardous Areas Known Landslides Wildland/Urban Interface Areas — Fire Hazard Potential Draft Fire Rating 2002 DECEMBER 2004 ii KITSAP COUNTY MULTI -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN APPENDIX C Participating Organizations' Profiles Cities City of Bainbridge Island City of Bremerton City of Port Orchard City of Poulsbo Fire Districts Bainbridge Island Fire District Central Kitsap Fire & Rescue Kitsap County Fire District #7 Kitsap County Fire District #18 North Kitsap Fire & Rescue Governmental Organizations Karcher Creek Sewer District Kitsap County Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority Kitsap County Health District Kitsap County Rural Library District Kitsap Transit Suquamish Indian Tribal Community Not -for -Profit Agencies Ports American Red Cross of King & Kitsap Counties Holly Ridge Center Kitsap Community Resources Kitsap County Historical Society Museum Kitsap Mental Health Service Peninsula Services Port of Bremerton Port of.Kingston Port of Poulsbo School Districts Bainbridge Island School District Bremerton School District Central Kitsap School District North Kitsap School District South Kitsap School District Water -Districts Annapolis Water District Kitsap Public Utility District Manchester Water District North Perry Water District Silverdale Water District Sunnyslope Water District DECEMBER 2004 iii KITSAP COUNTY MULTI -HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN In August of 1999 Kitsap County, its political subdivisions, agencies, and private or not-for-profit organizations approved one of the first mitigation plans in the United States. This plan is a revision of the 1999 plan, updating the process, strategies and goals. This plan has also been designed to meet the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. To summarize, this, document contains: • Hazard Mitigation Strategy goals and objectives; • Proposed strategies and actions as recommended by the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee to reduce short and long term vulnerability to the identified hazards; • Methods of implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and updating the mitigation plan; and • The establishment of a Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee, to assist in the further development, prioritization and implementation of the recommended Hazard Mitigation strategies. This document also provides a framework for identification and coordination of Hazard Mitigation strategies developed in Kitsap County and with other plans, especially those developed by State and Federal agencies and those plans developed in order to file for Federal disaster assistance, as required by Section 409 of the Robert T. Stafford Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. The Kitsap County Board of County Commissioners formally adopted the Kitsap County Multi - Hazard Mitigation Plan on (will be added). Formal adoption of this plan by participating agencies is documented in Section One, III. Planning Process, Table 1.2 — Kitsap County Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan Review Agency Process. DECEMBER 2004 4 Appendix C Participating Organization Profiles Appendix C Participating Organizations' Profiles Cities Bainbridge Island Bremerton Port Orchard Poulsbo m Economic Characteristic: Median household income is $70,110. Housing units: 9,128 Single-family 7,660 Multi -family 1,064 Live aboards 104 Current Hazard Mitigation Codes/Plans/Ordinances: • Comprehensive Land Use Plan — update to be completed by December, 2004 • Zoning Ordinance • Subdivision Ordinance • Critical Areas Ordinance (includes flood damage prevention and geologically hazardous areas provisions) — currently being updated • Capital Facilities Plan • Transportation Improvement Plan • Surface and Storm Water Management Plan and Ordinance • Uniform Building and Fire Code — updating to International Codes in July 2004 • Bainbridge Island Municipal Code — currently being updated Mitigation Strategies: #1 Goal: #1 — Eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from identified hazards. Category II — Severe Storms Strategy: Inspect and identify trees and other objects within falling distance of critical facilities to determine if they pose a hazard during a storm. Lead Agencies: City of Bainbridge Island Support Agencies: None Probability of Occurrence: High Probability of Future Occurrence: High Implementation Time: 1 — 3 Years and will remain on-going. Implementation Cost: To be determined as needs are identified and projects are authorized. The City of Bainbridge Island may pursue Hazard Mitigation Grant funding or low interest loans to complete project. #2 Goal: #1 — Eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from identified hazards. Category: IV — Earthquake Mitigation Strategy: Pursue seismic upgrades to equipment, infrastructure, and critical facilities that do not meet current seismic codes. Lead Agencies: City of Bainbridge Island Support Agencies: Kitsep County Department of Emergency Management Probability of Occurrence: High Probability of Future Occurrence: High Implementation Time: Ongoing Implementation Cost: To be determined as projects are authorized. The City of Bainbridge Island may pursue Hazard Mitigation Grant funding and low interest loans to complete projects. #3 Goal: #2 — Aid both the private and public sectors in understanding the risks they may be exposed to and finding mitigation strategies to reduce those risks. at : M Multi-Hazard Public Education Programs StrataStrategyL Actively participate in planning and hazard preparation with the public, local governments, the business community, and volunteer organizations. Lead Agencies: City of Bainbridge Island Support Agencies: Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management Probability of Occurrence: High Probability of Future Occurrence: High Implementation Time: On-going Implementation Cost: To be determined as projects/programs are authorized and implemented. The City of Bainbridge Island may pursue grant funding for projects/programs. Citpf Bainbridge Island ■Alison Aenue firth Bainbridge Island,N Jurisdictlon-Specific Vulnerability Assessment & Mitigation Strategies Bainbridge Island Overview: Contact information: Larry K. Frazier, AICP Director of Planning and Community Development Population of Jurisdiction: 21,350 (OFM estimates April 2003) Land Profile: 17,600 acres — 28 square miles Bainbridge Island is located east of the main Kitsap peninsula, separated generally by Agate Passage to the north;the main body of Puget Sound to the east;Rich Passage Inlet to the south;and Port Orchard Bay to the west. The City (Island) is characterized by an irregular coastline of approximately 45 miles with numerous bays and inlets. The topography is generally of low rolling hills with several ridges oriented mostly north to south at 250 to 300 feet elevation. Bainbridge Island is surrounded by the waters of Puget Sound. There are numerous streams and creeks in addition to Gazzam Lake, a year-round freshwater lake. Environmentally sensitive areas on Bainbridge Island include wetlands, aquifer recharge areas, geologically hazardous areas, continuous and seasonal streams and waters including the waters of Puget Sound, and fish and wildlife habitat. There are over 170 documented wetlands, although more exist that are unmapped. Land uses on Bainbridge Island are primarily residential with some commercial, light manufacturing, recreation, agriculture, and open space. Bainbridge Island has state, county, and municipal parks in addition to shoreline access from many city -owned road ends. There are golf courses, tennis courts, and youth play fields on the Island. Bainbridge Island is served by the Washington State Ferries systems, which docks in the downtown Winslow area. State Route 305 connects the ferry terminal with SR 3 in Poulsbo. In addition, the Island has an extensive system of arterials, suburban, and local public streets. City of Bainbridge Island operates a commuter system which is coordinated with the ferry schedule in addition to a dial -a -ride service. There are several designated transit stops in Winslow, but for the rest of the island, transit stops are generally where riders flag down buses on their routes. Critical Facilities Island -wide Bainbridge Island City Hall Bainbridge Island Public Works Shop Facilities Washington State Ferry Terminal Agate Passage SR305 Bridge Bainbridge Island High School Ordway Elementary Captain Wilkes Elementary Sakai Intermediate School Woodward Middle School City of Bainbridge Island Main Waste Water Treatment Facility Fort Ward Waste Water Treatment Facility Serenity House Waste Water Treatment Facility City of Bainbridge Island Reservoir Facilities at High School Road and Knechtel and Grand City of Bainbridge Island well fields at the Head of the Bay, Fletcher Bay, High School Road, and Rockaway Beach. Natural Hazard Events: 1960- 2001 Feb/01 Earthquake — Nisqually June/97 Rolling Bay mudslide disaster Dec/96 Severe rain and snow runoff storm Nov/95 Severe wind and rain storm Jan/93 Severe wind and rain storm Jan/92 Severe wind and rain storm Dec/90 Severe wind and rain storm Dec/82 Severe wind and rain storm May/65 Earthquake Oct/62 Severe wind and rain storm Natural Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Rating: 1. Severe storms 2. Earthquakes 3. Tsunamis Principle Economic Base: Retail outlets Bainbridge Island School District City of Bainbridge Island CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL PROCESS INFORMATION Subject: Kitsap County Multi -hazard Mitigation Plan Date: February 9, 2005 I Agenda Item: Resolution Bill No.: AB 0844 Contact Person(s): Larry Frazier Referral(s): Reading: ❑ 1st ❑ 2nd 113 rd BUDGET INFORMATION Department or Fund: N/A Total Expenditure Required Budgeted? Is a budget amendment required? (tax included): ❑ yes Ono ❑ yes ❑ no POLICY INFORMATION Comprehensive Plan: EN1.3 Municipal Code: Goals: 2005 Budget Goals 2 & 5 Objectives: DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY The federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires that all local organizations (governmental, tribal and not -for -profits), have an approved local mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6 prior to receiving Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG) funding. The Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan contains Hazard Mitigation. Strategy Goals and Objectives and proposed strategies and actions to reduce short and long term vulnerability to the identified hazards. The complete 400+ page Kitsap County Multi -hazard Mitigation Plan can be found at htlp://www.kitsal)dem.oriz. RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt the Kitsap County Multi -hazard Mitigation Plan and authorize the mayor to sign. UocumenN