RES 2008-07 LOCAL SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL WARMING AND 2008 PRIORITIES FOR A HEALTHY WASHINGTON' RESOLUTION NO 21108 07 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bambridge Island Washington supporting State Legislation for Local SUILItionS to Global Wannntg and 2008 P/70170i c lord HCoh/n' II'o.c/nrr run WHEREAS Local Solutions to Global Warning is one of tour Washington state legislative bills embraced by Prioritics,lur a Health 'v f "ashen lon l\'hich collectiveh protect our air water Puget Sound local farms and farmland and which conserve cnerary promote fuel efficiency reduce carbon emissions and address global climate change and WHEREAS the PrrormeA Jor a He•alrhi 11 'ac/nn,;heir coalition is comprised of over 20 statewide environmental groups including correspondm, local organizations on Bainbridge Island workim, to 'ether to Mild bipartran support for the four priorities and WHEREAS this City Council in its Resolution 2002 07 adopted goals which included engatino m environinemtalh' sound practices exploring new avenues to sustainability continually evaluating City operations facilities services and purchasing to eneure the highest standard of emu'oimnental protection and forging partnerships with local organizations environmental professionals businesses and citizens to accelerate the adoption of Island wide sustamabiltty practices and becoming a model for the region and WHEREAS on April 29 2005 the Mayor on behalf of the City of Bainbridge island signed the U S Mayors Climate Protection Agreement which commits the City to reduce global warning pollution by taking actions in C aN operations and in the wider community and WHEREAS this Cih Council in its Resolution 2007 10 recognized that global chniate change and the value of conservm, scarce energy resources are not only international Issues but are also profoundly local issues and WHEREAS the Adnunistration s 2008 work plan Iihclulle'; a sustainability progr in to imeniory Citi operational practices for sustainability and impact on the City s carbon footprint and WHEREAS the proposed state legislation for Local SOlulions to Global Warming will provide local governments such as the City of Bainbridge Island with the necessary support to use existing tools to significantly reduce their climate impact and now therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WASHINGTON DOES RFSOLYE AS FOLLOWS �I The City of Bainbridge Island hereby officially endorses the Local Solutions to Global a Wannmg legislation of the 2008 Prrormce /in a Health 11 ashingdnn and urges legislators from the 2; ` Legislative District and elsewhere in rk'ashmgton to support this legislation the City to address . Iobal climate change at the local level PASSED by the City Council this23 a day of January 2008 APPROVED by the Nlayor this 27" day of January 2008 Darlene Kurdonow-N, Mayor 1 ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE Rosalind D Lassoff ler, FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK Januar21 2008 PASSED BY THF Cl f COUNCIL January23 2008 �y RESOLUTION NO 2005 07 U