RES 2010-07 RELATING TO THE CITY'S SALE & DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PERSONAL PROPERTY.RESOLUTION NO. 2010-a7 A REN OLUTION of the Ci"ty- Council of the City of Bainbridge Washington, gelating to the City's sale and disposal of - Island, surplus City personal property. WHEREAS, it i4s in the best interest of the citizens of Bainbridge Island to sell propeily owned by the City which no longer has beneficial -public use and is surplus to the City's needs; and WHEREAS, the City periodically takes inventory of its vehicles and e quipment that have exceeded their life expectancy and are no longer of use to the City,, and WHEREAS, a request is before City Council for the purchase of replacement survey equipment; and WHEREAS, if the Ciiy Council authorizes the purchase of -replacement survey equipment, the survey equipment listed an Attachment A __ill be surplus tothe City's needs; and V HEREAS, the vehicle and the miscellaneous equipment listed on Attachment A is surplus to the City's needs; now therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRYDGE ISLAND; WASHINGTON, DOESRESOLV ASFO LOWS, 1. The vehicle and miscellaneous equipment listed and identified on Aft achment A are, surplus to the City's needs. 2. Provided the City Council authorizes the purchase of new survey equipment, the survey equipment listed on Attachment A is surplus to the City's needs. 3.0 The surplus vehicles and surplus equipment shall be sold/disposed of tlir,111111111111)ugh one ar mill,re of the following methods: a. through the State of Washington General Admi'nistration's Surplus property program located in Auburn, Washngton,i b. through an Internet auction such as eBay; or c. an inter -local sales agreement with a political sub -division of the State of Washington. 4. All revenue -gene-rated by the disposal of the surplus vehicles and equipment shatl be returned to the fund used to purchase such vehicles and equipment. PASSED by the City Council this 1 0'h day of February 20 10. APPROVED by tho City Council Phis 10th dad of February 20 1 0. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Rosalind D. Lassoff, City Clerk- FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Bob Scales,, Mayor January 26, 2010 February 1 0, 2010 zap O-07 A TTACHMENT A (RESOLUTION NO. 210-07) qty. Year Mfg. Model VIN/Serial # # Fund est. Value Survey equipment 1 2000 L eica TCRA-1105 PLUS 618313 N/A General -PW 5 2000 Leica. GEB121 Ni -.,MH Battery N/A Genera! -PW 1 2000 Leica GEB171 Ni -MH Battery N/A Genera! -PW 1 20Q0 -Leica G KL122-,,l Battery Charger 0000655 N/A General -PW 1 2000 Leica GML 111 Battery Charger 19991822475 N/A General -PW 1 2000eicaL GRZ4 Prism Robotic N/A General -PW µ 1 2000 Leica RCS 1100 Robotic Kit N/A General -PW 1 2000 Leica RES11000 Controller SN 10.441 N/A 'General -PW 1 2000 Leica YCPS26B Transceiver SN 0011839 N/A General -PW Total Survey Equipment estimated Value ......:...... $5,000*00 Miscellaneous E uipment 3. Unk Hitach CIORAZ Unk,,, Table Saw N/A 1 Unk Stihl F566 U nk -Weed Eater N/A General -PW Total Misc. Equipment estimated Value ............. $50.00 i Vehicles ` 1 2004 Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71W14X180751 25 Gen -Police Total Vehicle Estimated Value ............ . $3,500.00