RES 2010-17 AMENDING RES 2010-17; AN EXTENSION OF SCHEDULED REPAYMENT SHORT-TERM BORROWING-.RESOLUTION N . 2010-1' A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, amending Resolution No. 2010-17, providing for an extorsion of the sched l d repayment date to the short-terrn borrovAng from the 'mater Fund - t the Sewer Fund of the Consolidated Waterworks Utility. WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington (the "City" intends to manage it fiscal matters i prudent manner; and WHEREAS., the City has by Resolution No, 2008-14 sought to "establish conditions for the f debt and to create procedures and policies -that minimize the City's debt service and issuance costs, retain the highest Tactical credit 'rating, and maintain fall and complete financial disclosure and reporting";' and WSAS:,- the City has also by Resolution No. 2008-14 pertainingto "Purposes and Uses of Debt". established Policy 1 - Short-term Borrowing which states; "'Except for LIDS and similar situations, the use o short-term borrowing, such as bond anticipation notes Alis and tax-exempt commercial 'aper will be undertaken only if the transaction, costs plus interest of the debt are less than the cost of an interfund loan,' or available- cash is insufficient to meet working capital requirements"; and WHEREAS, the 2008 GAAP BARS Manual, Volume 1, hart 3, chapter 4, page 1, states that "the. legislature body of a municipality must, by ordinance or resolution, approve all interfund loans, andprovide in the :authorization planned schedule of repayment of the loan principal as well as setting a reasonable rate of interest (based on the external rate available to the municipality) to be paid to the lending fund"; and WHER EAS, the City has determined that the combination of transaction costs plus interest for the City'to issue commercial paper or a note to a third party will exceed the costs to the: Sewer Fund f an interfund loam, primarily 'because an interfund loam entails no third -party transaction casts; and' WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to Resolution No. 2009-1, had previously reviewed the financial position and its cash flow analysis for the Serer and Nater Funds of the Consolidated Waterworks Utility and determined it prudent for th.e Sewer Fund to engage in short -tern borro4ing of an amount not to exceed a principal amount of $3,000,000 from the Water Fund within the Consolidated Waterworks futility of the City, with a scheduled repayment date of May 14, 2010, in order to continue the construction and related expenses of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project and to address legal challenges brought forth by the Bainbridge Ratepayers Alliance; and FIACity E change Ag ndas\City Council\2010 Agendas\042 1II Council Agenda PackeMesolution No. 2010-17 Inter and Loan WaterSew rE tnII E SOLUTION NO 2010 17.d c ]]' y7 . 2009- set Sewer mates four 2 through WHERE,�� � City, rant � or'�r.n � � I 2014 in accordance with the recommendations of the FCSGroup Rate Study and the Utility .. Advisory Committee with a deferral of the repayment of the rnterfund loan 1n order 16 mitigate �" y the effect of necessary nate changes, and . WHEREAS the City has determined that 1n order. to continue to address . legal bhallenges brought by ratepayers -of the Consolidated Water Works Utility and be consistetif with the recommendations of Ordinance leo. 2009-39 and the recommendations of the Unfitr Advisory Commission it will be necessary to extend the scheduled repayment date to May 13, 20-1 1; and WHEREAR, the use of an interfund loan continues to allow considerably greater flexibility and timeliness than commercial paper or a note to a third -party lender, and thereby errni he City to reduce the interest cost to the Sewer Fund; and 1 WHEREAS, the City Council continues to find that it has exercised due regard for the maintenance and operation expense of the Water System and finds that the Water Fu d revenues and cash balances are expected to e more than sufficient to meet all of the needs f the. Water expected ' balance h n er f gad loan. as Fund through the loan period and has fu.� available to rra.l�l�a1 t � 1.� previouslyauthorized; and WHEREAS, the Water Fund of the. Consolidated Waterworks Utility will be benefited b the interest rates of the rrrterfund loan; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED Y THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of BAINBRIDGE f ISLAND, WASHINGTON, GTON, S FOLLOWS: Section 1. Extension of the Scheduled Repayment Date. The City's Director of Finance is authorized and directed to extend the scheduled repayment date of the loam to May 13, 2011 as stated in Section 2 and this interfund lending authorization shall terminate on that date, Section 2. Interest Payable to 'mater Fund. Interest shall. continue to be computed monthly on the amounts outstanding on the basis of a 360 -day year for the actual number of `days at an annual rate equal to 25 basis points, plus the higher of the monthly net earnings r4te for the preceding calendar month on investments in either a the Washington Mate Local Government Investment Fool, or b the Kitsap County Local Government Investment fool. The City Council finds that the fixing of the interest rate set forth herein is reasonable and hi the best interest of the City, its ratepayers and its taxpayers. Section 3, Effective Date. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from aid after its approval by the City Council until the date stated in Section 2. FIACity L eha n eUgenda \City outs il\ o 1 Agendas\042810 Council Agenda Pael eARe olution No. 2010-17 Int rfund Lan aster ew rE tn\ FS( LTION NO 2010 1 .doe e4 = PASSED by the City Council this -28"' of April 2010. APPROVED by the Mayor this 28th day' of April 2010. Bob Scales, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalind D. Lasso , City CFerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 2, 201 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 28, 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-17 HACit hange\Ag nd sl it Couneil\20 10 Agendas\0428 10 Council Agenda Pack tWesolution No. 2010-17 Interfund Lom ater rE tM ' SOLUTION NO 20.1 17-d