RES 2015-04 APPROVING NAVIGATE BAINBRIDGE SCOPE AND PROJECT SCHEDULEExhibit A PROPOSED SCOPE OF ISSUES TO INCLUDE IN THE NAVIGATE BAINBRIDGE UPDATE A. Several actions are needed throughout the plan to meet the GMA update requirements.  Use the new planning period of 2016 to 2036  Include the adopted population growth forecasts throughout the plan;  Include new employment growth forecast throughout the plan;  Update all maps and text consistent with relevant changes to goals and policies. B. In addition to the general actions shown above, consider throughout the Update process the particular importance of issues with island-wide impact, including: (1) Adapting to and mitigating the effects of Climate Change; (2) the role of State Route 305 and its impacts on all Plan Elements, including any future projects; and (3) the protection and improvement of access to marine resources. C. individual Comprehensive Plan Elements will be updated as follows: Introduction 1. Incorporate updated Vision 2. Reference recently adopted Shoreline Master Program 3. Review and Update Island History Section 4. KEY ISSUES to address: a. City’s Comprehensive Plan and implementation within the framework of the Growth Management Act, the Vision 2040 regional plan, and the Kitsap County Countywide Planning Policies. b. Streamline, clarify and strengthen text. c. Review the Vision, guiding principles and planning goals and consider ways to more clearly articulate the framework of high-level policy direction to the Plan Elements. d. Relationship of Comp Plan to other plans, projects and programs, including, but not limited to: city functional plans (e.g., city utilities), development regulations, capital projects, the city organization and operating budget (e.g., Priority Based Budgeting). e. Relationship of the Comp Plan and City to the functions and activities of other units of government or organizations. f. Promoting a culture of stewardship, citizenship, and community engagement 2 Land Use Element 1. Update general information 2. Include new population, housing, employment growth forecasts 3. Show where and how to accommodate another 5,600 residents and 2,800 jobs 4. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 5. Review Subarea Plans (Lynwood Center and Winslow Master Plan). 6. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Growth Strategy which places 50% of growth in Winslow, 5% in NSCs, 45% elsewhere b. Articulating the connections between the Land Use, Environmental, and Transportation Elements c. Articulating the connections between the Land Use and Utilities Elements d. Civic design Goals/Policies for Winslow, NSCs, SR 305 e. Island-wide land use pattern - conservation objectives, building form, landform f. Measures to improve human health Transportation Element (including Non-Motorized Transportation Plan) 1. Update general information 2. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 3. Update inventory of facilities 4. Update cost estimates for facilities improvement projects 5. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Future role, configuration and mitigations re: SR 305. b. Future role of WSF and possible alternatives c. Measures to improve human health d. Safety for bicycles and pedestrians on the island -wide road/trail network e. Methods to improve multi-modal transportation options 3 Water Resources Element 1. Update USGS aquifer information 2. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 3. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Identify sub-basin sensitivity to draw downs/opportunities for aquifer recharge b. Identify opportunities to monitor and adapt to aquifer change over time c. Identify projects and practices to protect water supply and quality d. Consider potential re-use of greywater for domestic purposes Environment Element 1. Update general information 2. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 3. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Adapting to and mitigating the effects of Climate Change b. Consider Green Building Code c. Identify benchmarks and measurement Housing Element 1. Update population and economic information 2. Update housing supply and affordability information 3. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 4. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Assess generational and locational needs for housing b. Identify options and incentives for increasing housing affordability c. Consider alternative housing forms to meet market niches d. Review home occupation opportunities within residential areas e. Evaluate better partnerships with non-profit housing providers f. Consider clustering of structures on large lots to maximize recharge and open space 4 Capital Facilities Element 1. Update facility needs based on new planning period, new population and employment growth forecasts 2. Update inventory of public facilities to reflect changes since last update 3. Update six-year Capital Facilities Plan to be consistent with 2016 plan 4. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 5. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Incorporating green infrastructure into capital projects b. Coordination with BISD, BIFD, and BIMPD to maximize cumulative effect of new projects Utilities Element 1. Update inventory of existing service providers to reflect changes since last update 2. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 3. KEY ISSUES to address: a. PSE service and alternatives for power: municipal, solar other renewables b. Telecommunications/broadband improvements c. Coordination with City Sewer and Water Utility Master Plans d. Coordination with private sewer and utility master plans e. The island-wide Stormwater Utility Economic Element 1. Include a summary of the local economy - strengths and weaknesses 2. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 3. Identify potential programs and projects to foster economic growth and development 4. KEY ISSUES to address: a. Assess need for increased goods and services in NSCs and Business/industrial districts b. Opportunities to brand Bainbridge Island as location for software firms c. Role of Tourism in Winslow, other parts of the Island d. How to support growth of home-based businesses e. Role of agriculture on the Island f. Role of the arts on the Island g. Role of the Real Estate industry 5 Human Services Element 1. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 2. Identify potential partners, programs and projects to foster access to human resources 3. Update to reflect changed circumstances in the provision of human services Cultural Element 1. Streamline, clarify and strengthen goal and policy text 2. Identify potential partners, programs and projects to enhance cultural assets on the Island 3. Update to reflect changed circumstances in the provision cultural resources and activities D. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Reference new SMP use regulations Update critical areas regulations 1. Update Best Available Science, including updated USGS study re: aquifers 2. Amend and/or adopt regulations/programs to protect aquifer recharge areas 3. Amend and/or adopt low impact development regulations 4. Amend and/or adopt other development regulations necessary to protect other critical areas Update other development regulations as necessary to implement updated Plan Apr   May  June   July  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan  Feb   Mar   Apr   May  June   July   City  Council  Review   Element  revisions  dra>ed  and  reviewed  by  Planning  Commission  Element  revisions  reviewed  by  Planning  Commission     City  Council  adopts  updates     to  Plan  and  Cri@cal  Areas   Regula@ons  by  6/30  deadline    Staff/Consultant      Work   SEPA  review  Periodic  review  &  PSRC  review  checklists   2015   Items  in  “Temporary  Moorage”   considered  for  inclusion  in  future   PC  Work  Program     Decision  points   ENVIRON.   HOUSING   UTILITIES   ECONOMIC   TRANSPORT.    CAP.  FAC.   CULTURAL   HUMAN  SV.   Council     check  in  points   Planning  Commission   public  mee@ngs   LAND  USE   INTRODUCTION   Planning  Commission  forwards  to  Council     recommended  updates  to  Comprehensive   Plan  and  Cri@cal  Areas  Regula@ons     2016   WATER  RES.   Community   Workshop   Exhibit B Navigate Bainbridge - Project Schedule Revised 4.15.15