RES NO. 2017-03 FEES FOR BOAT RAMP WITH BOAT TRAILER PARKINGRESOLUTION NO. 2017-03 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, relating to fees for boat ramp with boat trailer parking and amending Section 13 of the Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule. WHEREAS, on March 25, 2009, the City Council passed Resolution No. 2009-03 that set the fee for boat ramp with boat trailer parking at $8.00 per day and $80.00 per year for parking in the designated area along Bjune Drive on weekends; and WHEREAS, in 2017 it is anticipated that the City Dock Improvement Project will make the dock unusable for at least half of the boating season; and WHEREAS, because this project will lessen the number of days a boater can use the dock, the City Council desires to temporarily reduce the annual fee for boat trailer parking by fifty percent for 2017; now therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. For 2017, the fee for boat ramp with boat trailer parking set forth in Section 13 of the Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: BOAT RAMP WITH BOAT TRAILER PARKING $8.00 per day; $40.0080 per year On January 1, 2018, the fee for boat ramp with boat trailer parking shall automatically revert to the original amounts established by Resolution No. 2009-03 unless further amended by the City Council. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect and be in force on and after January 10, 2017. PASSED by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2017. APPROVED by the Mayor this 10th day of January, 2017. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: ristine Brown, Jerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. December 30, 2016 January 10, 2017 2017-03