RES 2002-11 SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY SALE & DISPOSALRESOLUTION N09 2002-11 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbrida Island Washington, relating to the City's sale and g disposal of surplus Ci personal property; and p � City City equipment WHEREAS, Ci owned a ui ment that has become s�nplus to a department's needs through normal wear and use, obsolescence and/or function: WHEREAS the Ci Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens City of Bainbridge Island to sell property owned by the City which no longer has beneficial public g p p use; WHEREAS, thero erty listed on attachment one is surplus to the City's needs, now p p therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAN WASHINGTON, as follows: 1 } That the personal property identified on Attachment! 1 shall be disposed of through e Rot Club of Bainbridge Island at its annu4l auction, which will be held the Rotary g Saturday, June 29, 2002. t taken b the Rota Cfor auction shall be deemed 2 That all personal property no y Rotary �ub ), p � as having no monetary value and disposed of accordingly. PASSED by the City Council this 12thday of June 2002. APPROVED Ma VED b the or this 13�h day of June 2002. Mayor DARLENE KO ATTEST / AUTHENTICE: 'USAN P. KASPER, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: June 5, 200 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: June 12, 2002 RESOLUTION NO.: 2002-11 HACity Exchange\Resolutions12002 Resolutions12002-11_Surplus Equipmeot.doc HACity Exchange\Resolutions12002 Resolutions12002-11 _Surplus_Equipmetit.doc Attachment 1 tv Item OFFICE EQUIPMENT 24 CPU 20 Monitors 1 Typewriter 1 Computer 2 Tape Drives 4 CD-ROMs 3 Hubs 5 Printers 1 Fax machine MISCELLANEOUS 2 Chainsaws 1 Lawnmower 1 Weedeater 1 Leaiblower 2 Plate Compactor 2 Jumping Jack (compactor) 1 Pick-up utility body 1 Pick-up Toolbox 2 Air monitoring devices HACity Exchange\Resolutions12002 Resolutions12002-11 _Surplus_Equipmetit.doc