Resolution No. 2021-02 Relating to Non-City Owned Small Water Systems Management Support-Approved 020921 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-02 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Bainbridge Island, Washington, establishing a policy for management support to non-City owned small water systems on the Island. WHEREAS, the 2017 Comprehensive Plan includes the following goals and policies intended to safeguard the Island’s water resources: • Goal U-10. Ensure that city-managed and to the extent possible non-city managed utility services are sufficient, cost effective, reliable, and that safe water utility service is provided. • Goal U-11: Require utilities to operate in a manner that preserves and protects the water resources of the Island. • Policy U 11.6: Encourage and support water utilities to enter into cooperative activities, such as jointly managed operations, shared storage, and construction of interties, to manage water resources and systems more efficiently, economically, and safely. • Policy U 11.7: Encourage and facilitate consolidation of water systems, with particular emphasis on mergers of contiguous and small systems, to manage water resources and systems more efficiently, economically, and safely. • WR 3.2: The City may elect to facilitate small water system management services by applying to the Department of Health to be an approved Satellite Management Area (SMA). • WR 3.3: New development in previously unclaimed water service areas may be required to dedicate public water systems to the City if the system meets City standards and the City determines it is appropriate to accept, own and operate such systems; and WHEREAS, the City Council asked the Utility Advisory Committee (“UAC”) to “study and recommend a process for facilitating consolidation of small water systems.” The UAC completed its review in a Memorandum dated September 28, 2020; and WHEREAS, there are 35 Group A (generally more than 14 connections) water systems on Bainbridge Island, and 135 Group B systems (generally 2-14 connections). Smaller Group A and Group B water systems commonly face the following problems: (1) lack of professional management; (2) outdated and deteriorating infrastructure; (3) lack of appropriate capital improvement planning and capability; (4) insufficient financial resources; (5) inadequate backup and support; and (6) limited fire suppression facilities; and Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Health (“DOH”) has encouraged small water systems to develop more “professional” planning, maintenance, financing, and staffing, and to consider consolidation with other water systems in order to jointly possess the resources to develop those attributes of effective water system management; and WHEREAS, in the 2005 Kitsap County Coordinated Water System Plan it is stated that smaller water systems negatively impact the ability to accomplish water resource management made possible by larger interconnected water systems, and Group B water systems, which typically have shallow wells, are more likely to negatively impact stream flows; and WHEREAS, in 1993, the City adopted a policy (Resolution No. 93-3) of providing assistance upon request to non-City owned water systems. This policy was partially implemented in the 1990’s, but the City’s involvement with other water systems lessened thereafter due to the lack of management focus, budget, and staffing; and WHEREAS, the UAC Memorandum recommends the City depart from its past generally passive, reactive, and inconsistent approach toward interfacing with small water systems on Bainbridge Island. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City adopts a policy of providing active and consistent assistance, if requested, to the small water systems on Bainbridge Island, and of encouraging, if appropriate, voluntary consolidation of those systems into the City’s current water utility. Priority focus should be on the water systems within and adjacent to the City’s current county-assigned service areas. Section 2. The Council shall consider steps to implement this policy in coordination with the development of the City’s Groundwater Management Plan, and through the Winslow Water System Business Planning effort, both of which are proposed to be funded in the 2021-22 Biennial Budget. Section 3. The City should conduct outreach to small water systems and be prepared to offer advice and services to encourage consolidation and continued safe operation. This includes providing a forum to discuss common problems and to identify the needs for City assistance. Further, the City should apply to the State Department of Health to become an approved Satellite Management Agency (“SMA”). Section 4. The City shall strive to update water system inventories and maps for use in the above efforts. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Page 3 of 3 PASSED by the City Council this 9th day of February, 2021. APPROVED by the Mayor this 9th day of February, 2021. Rasham Nassar, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: January 22, 2021 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: February 9, 2021 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-02